December 8th

Pay attention to where things are falling away gradually or just plain being burned to the ground, both in you and society at large. Look with awe amidst the ashes, for signs of new life. Nothing really dies if you see the transformation
Dr. Toni Galardi
Currently we have 7 planets ( if you count Eros and Ceres which I do) in Capricorn. On the New Moon Eclipse Dec 26th, when the Sun and Moon join the gang, we will have 9. This line up will focus its energy in a particular area of your life based on what house it is landing in. For example, if the 7-9 planets are in your house of partnership, this will be a big focus in the coming year. If it is in your house of health, this may be the focus for transformation. If it lands in your career house, it is called dignified because Capricorn rules that area in general.
Capricorn doesn’t just rule the vocation and career arena and the archetype of the father. It rules the structure of society and how we are using our soul purpose here to contribute or not to the evolutionary mandate to transform or perish. What are the structures in your life that need to go bye bye? How does the archetype of the father or authority figure show up in your psyche, regardless of your gender? Is he a CEO who tells everyone what to do, a wise old man guide, or tyrannical judge? He also rules boundaries. Do you set good emotional and energetic boundaries?
In the next 2 newsletters before the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, I want to share tips and remedies for strengthening your core, letting go of the past, and creating space for a vision to come through you for 2020. It is so important to set your New Year intention on December 26th not January 1st if you want the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak. I am also going to talk about those born between February 1988 – February 1991 when we had Saturn, Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn in my next newsletter and the babies being born in 2019-2020. These two groups will play a seminal role in leadership positions in the new world.
As we are building to the full moon late Wednesday night, use this last full moon of the decade to release structures in your life that are defunct. For example, are you bored with your exercise routine? Is it time to let go of foods or beverages that drain your energy? What about your sleep schedule? Is your body needing more sleep right now? Do you need to build in more naps or breaks into your work day? I invite you to light a candle and then write down on paper what you are releasing, burn it, and then commit to nurturing yourself in healthy ways that support your foundation. What do you want to let go of from this decade? Lean back into the “Wholy Self” ( our collective God Self) and partner to make the letting go so much easier.
I mentioned one of the asteroid goddesses Ceres above in the Capricorn line up. She rules how we mother ourselves and the planet. You can’t treat your emotional or physical body like a toxic waste dump and not have it affect Mother Earth. Eros is also in Capricorn, the asteroid that rules your relationship to your sexuality or how you use your creative, sacral center with respect? Capricorn rules respect. How are the structures or habits we have in place in our personal life contributing to the rebirth of society as a whole?
For example, the healthier and lighter you eat and the more you choose walking or bicycling over driving, creates a smaller carbon foot print. Without getting too graphic here, people rarely think about the collective effects of overeating on the planet’s sewers.
In my next newsletter, I will be suggesting Bach flower remedies for strengthening the emotional body during this particular holiday season, dealing with addictive tendencies, and enhancing one’s personal boundaries so that you enter 2020 feeling joyous and balanced.
Astrology Tips For Your Work Week
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are great days to initiate any projects, or make purchases before the full moon and the two void moon days.
- 9:00 PM PST Wednesday December 11, the Moon is exactly full in Gemini with the Sun in Sagittarius. See above ritual for releasing the last year and decade.
- Thursday, December 12 we have a void moon for 18 hours. It is not the day to initiate new projects or agreements, have any procedures or do your Xmas shopping from 9:12 PM 12:12 AM EST until 6:30 PM EST. For those on the west coast, you’re fine by late afternoon. As it is in Leo, make it a day of play. As part of restructuring old ideas of “Monday- Friday work, Saturday and Sunday we take off mentality” (very Capricorn), take today off and make your important meetings for tomorrow, Friday.
- I don’t usually include Saturday as a work day but it is for me and anyone else who has their own business as we move into the holidays, and the void moon is a long one so I wanted to share in case you were planning to wait until Saturday to do your holiday shopping: December 14 7:57 am PST – 7:56 pm in Leo so use the day for play again or busy work.
Come join us on Zoom from wherever you are for the Solar Eclipse Activation on Dec 26th from 5:00 – 6:00 PM PST. and together we will bring in the real new year 2020!
At the risk of sounding redundant, 2020 really begins with this Solar Eclipse New Moon, so start the new year with a powerful group of people supporting your intentions for the next year and decade!
Twice a year I reduce my soul blueprint readings by 25% to $300. If you pay for it by the end of December, the discount is valid for 3 months. I also have gift certificates I can send online if you would like to gift a loved one a reading for 2020.
With great love and affection,
Dr Toni