February 9th

If more people were in touch with their charism, the charisma of celebrity would have little appeal.
Dr. Toni Galardi
Mercury entered the sign of Pisces, the archetype of the mystic healer. This is not a natural placement for Mercury as it likes to move very fast, even while retrograde. We are feeling the retro energy already because it not only is slowing down its usual super wifi speed due to the retrograde coming, but it is in the watery sign that rules past lives, healing, the unconscious and the dreamtime. Its calling us to experience beyond linear time into non local reality where real healing can be had.
Pay attention to your dreams for the next 6 weeks especially. You may be taken back to times in your past or even past lives (I was taken to a lifetime where I was in a Russian pogrom recently). Most importantly right now is to just slow the heck down in general or you will pay a bigger price. Case in point: I went to my desk before the caffeine of green tea had kicked in and tripped and soaked my keyboard. And thus began 5 days of computer hell in obtaining a new one and getting my email program to work.
I couldn’t of conjured up a more graphic example of Mercury in the sign of Pisces in retro if I tried. Green rules healing. I needed to become more conscientious as we enter the murkiest Mercury retro of the year. Please ignore what you read about the dates of Mercury retrograde. We are in it folks and when it goes STATIONARY on March 9th,it will be another week before it really gains speed and it will stay in the sign of the oh so watery Pisces until April 11. As I mentioned in my last newsletter, it will dip back into Aquarius on march 4th for 12 days and then on March 16th back into Pisces for 3 more weeks.
These two archetypes are the last stages of evolution in astrology – Aquarius ruling humanitarianism and transpersonal love and Pisces ruling sacrifice of one’s personal ego to make room for the God self within us to emerge.
So, I thought I would share a little about the 20th century’s most famous mystic who was not only a sun sign Pisces but his Venus conjunct Saturn and Mercury were in Pisces as well. He has been called the “sleeping prophet”. Pisces rules the dreamtime so how perfect. He is said to have given over 15,000 personal readings to people who were ill ( they would line up outside his home). For many years he never charged for his readings, keeping his day job as a photographer until it became unmanageable.
Cayce’s moon was in Taurus. Taurus rules the throat in medical astrology. As a child of 10, he declared that he wanted to tell people about God and heal them. At 23, his father insisted he go into the insurance business with him. Within three months, Cayce became ill with laryngitis which progressed a month later to not being able to talk at all.
When we don’t give ourselves permission (and defy the tribe sometimes) to follow our soul purpose, the body does it for us. He became a photographer ( Pisces rules photography) until a stage hypnotist came to town insisting he could cure him, and, he could speak, but only while in trance.This healing on the wounded healer would serve to become his calling. Healing people under trance. A devout Christian, he experienced great angst reading the notes his secretary transcribed, at some of what came through him after coming back from trance. For example, he spoke of Jesus having had many past lives in Atlantis and as Melchizadek, the priest that blessed Abraham.
He urged people to pay attention to their dreams and that they could find their own answers through remembering their dreams.
He also is said to have predicted the crash of ’29 and war that would involve the whole world. Cayce died of a stroke at the age of 67, even predicting his own death was imminent 4 days before.
There are some really fundamental lessons to be learned from Edgar Cayce. There is a cost to blocking our soul’s highest destiny and the body will show it until we express our gift, but his charism ( the talent or gift that comes from God to serve others) would eventually take its toll on his health. The shadow side of Pisces is having no boundaries, being completely self sacrificial to the point of overusing the body.
My own chart is very Piscean. Every time I have sacrificed myself for a client or friend to the point of exhaustion, I pay a big price. On the day of my computer disaster, I was extremely exhausted. In spite of having no computer, I took the day off after delivering my computer to ” Mac ICU “.
So, the cautionary tale of this murky Mercury in Pisces is to use it to access your inner mystic. Pay attention to what is calling you in both your day reality and your night life.
Discover your true charism and use it to benefit both you and others.
Be clear with your boundaries and your value in both your professional identity and your relationships. This whole year we have three planets in Capricorn, the sign that rules knowing your limits.
If things are slow to come to fruition the next two months, spend more time in activities that support a calm nervous system – meditation, yoga nidra, restorative yoga, and naps. Speaking of Pisces, a very good friend of mine in Los Angeles, John Vosler ( A joyous Pisces) teaches yoga nidra internationally and will be at Esalen Institute in March and Bali in June. His work is magical. For more information: https://johnvosler.com/classes
Astrology Tips for Your Work Week
- We are now in the waning period of the moon until Feb 21st. Focus on what needs completing.
- Mercury usually moves 2 degrees per day through a sign, averaging 14 degrees in a week. Although it doesn’t technically go into retrograde until next Sunday, it will move 3 degrees in the next 7 days before it stops and then begins its back stroke.
- The moon is void on Tuesday from 10:30 AM -3:45 PM. Avoid meetings involving decisions, big purchases or surgical procedures.
- This bears repeating, move in flow. Pretend you’re Esther Williams. ( look that one up!)
With great love and affection,
Dr Toni