January 2nd

A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon on Steroids. It’s position in the sign of Cancer/Capricorn Is asking you, ” Is the form of your career or current life’s work nurturing you?Are you stepping into your soul’s authentic purpose?” Your commitment to that can change the world.
Dr. Toni Galardi
Ok, this is a longer newsletter than most. Please stay with me.
I know that typically New Year’s Day and a few days after are devoted to social media posts on resolutions for the new year and how much better it will be than the last year. Everyone is so full of hope and optimism. It isn’t an issue of better or worse that I share what I am about to share but more one of understanding what the ramifications of this line up of planets in the sign that rules society and its mores (aka its matrix) will mean. ( more later on how it affected me personally as we enter this year and decade.)
With a stellium of planets in Capricorn and a line up of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto so close to one another in January, than we have ever seen ever, we are rebirthing as individuals, as a society and as a humanity! To reiterate from past newsletters, Capricorn rules the patriarchy, fatherhood, the outer action of the yang principle, society’s mores and the career domain. All are being transformed as we leave this third dimension. A reality that would have us believe that we have no control over what happens on the world stage much less our own lives.
The lunar eclipse in Cancer highlights the ending of outdated ways we nurture and protect others and ourselves. It is the archetype of the mother and since Pachamama (Gaia) is our mother too, how we nurture and protect her as well. What is very telling about this polarity of Cancer and Capricorn eclipses is that it also kicked off the first decade of this century on July 1st and 16th of 2000. Eclipses can affect us for two years. Case in point: In the summer of 2000, I was teaching a course on dream interpretation in Santa Monica. Over this same summer, a young Hispanic man trespassed into my home through my gated beach cottage’s open back door. When I caught him in my kitchen grabbing a bottle of Dom Perignon from the fridge, he ran. However, he began coming back sporadically, this time at night, peering through my bedroom window.
I called a male friend hysterical and he was annoyed that I had woken him up. The next time I called the police, hysterical but of course, by the time they arrived, he was gone. I did medicine rituals around my property but nothing was working. Synchronistically, as I was preparing for my dream class, I looked back to my January 1, 2000 dream entry and there it was, the answer to my question, “What is my lesson here”? In the dream, a 19 year old Latino looking young man was holding in his hand a gold strong box that was mine. He had managed to unlock the box and there inside were many small gold keys.
I had the answer as to what I needed to do. The dream showed me that this young man was a mirror of a disowned part of me. Jung called this, the puer aeternus archetype: Latin for the eternally adolescent male. My interpretation was that the manifestation of this in my waking life was to transform my unconscious fear of living alone now that I was living alone without a man ( Freud called boxes in a woman’s dream, her vagina.) The play on words “strong box” was that I needed to engage my feminine warrior through my intuition and my bad ass teenage boy to take action. Then, and only then, many keys would be offered through acting from this strength. My former boyfriend was no help. Nor were the cops. How perfect for the lesson. ( and this is why I insist all my clients keep a dream journal while working with me now).
So, I set a trap for the voyeur/intruder. Using my intuition, I got a hit that he was going to be making a visit on a particular night, so I ran a bath. The window in the bathroom was high so I couldn’t see out but I could hear his footsteps in the gravel outside that window. I crawled along the floor to my landline phone ( cell reception at the beach was hit and miss) in my office and calmly called the Santa Monica police dept. As luck would have it, a police car was on the next street. They caught him as he was on my neighbor’s roof about to jump.
It turned out that he had a record of sexual assault in Guatemala. At the time of the next eclipse in December, I had to face him in court and testify.
Both eclipses were aspecting my Sun and Venus in Cancer. My Venus is in the house that rules the physical body in the sign that rules the home, Cancer. After the trial, I went down with pneumonia. Nine months after this, right after 9/11, I had to leave my home due to the discovery of toxic mold in the walls.
Many people I know have shared with me how life changing 2000-2002 was for them. I was directly affected in a dramatic way because the eclipses were hitting planets in my chart. Because these archetypes are so connected to our collective consciousness, even people without planets in Cancer or Capricorn had life changing experiences at the turn of the century and millennium personally. Further, what a game changer 9/11 was to our concept of security, another quality attributed to the sign of Cancer. As a triple Cancer in the last house of the zodiac, I have been given so many tests in what constitutes real security, it would make most people’s head spin.
Now, cut to the beginning of 2020. In the last days of 2019 between the solar eclipse on dec 26th and the coming lunar eclipse, I accepted a date from a man I met through a dating site. I thought I vetted him well through a phone conversation. He is a CPA, has two adult daughters, long time family here in Asheville but is working for a big corporation in Brooklyn and visits once a month. I made it clear on the phone that I take my time getting to know someone and do not display physical affection on the first date. He was completely enamored, asking me within the first hour of our date if I believed in love at first sight. He grabbed my hand and I politely withdrew it. Then he tried to kiss me at the end of the date. My gut told me to cut it off so I nicely told him that I didn’t think we were a match when he reached out by text.
What ensued was at first annoying and then terrifying endless texts that alternated between his fantasy of what he thought we had together and his rage at me for not responding. I blocked his texts. He found my website and then he continued the rant on email.
I was urged by the property management company where I live to file a police report. I did so reluctantly because I assumed they could do nothing until he trespassed on the property. I was wrong. In North Carolina, phone or texts that constitute harassment are grounds for charging someone as acting unlawfully.
Although I took a rapist off the streets of Santa Monica,Ca nineteen years ago ( the same cycle of eclipses), my role as a spiritual warrior was elevated all these years later through the gift of the internet and social media. I could warn women of a predator that moves back and forth between New York and North Carolina.
Moreover, this lesson in its broader context applies to you as well, regardless of gender. Do you nurture yourself and create safe energetic boundaries in your work and personal life? For example, men can experience self betrayal through staying in jobs that are unhealthy or being involved with people who cross boundaries.
As we move into the next eclipse on Jan 10-11, what are you ready to activate that will allow for release of something you have been limited by since the turn of the millennium? Were the years 2000-2002 significant for you that may be presenting itself again for greater transformation in 2020? All the astrologers I know are predicting a further reconstruction of humanity as we enter the Capricorn stellium this entire year sporadically.
These archetypes of Cancer and Capricorn rule two polar opposite houses in your chart. For example, in my chart, Capricorn rules the house of partnership and open enemies. The eclipses and Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will focus their energy in a specific house in your chart this year. Gregg Braden, the well known scientist, author and speaker is also an astrological Cancer and while he was in a particular cycle, experienced massive betrayal from both his girlfriend and business partner the same year, so women are not the only prey for narcissistic predators. Key words this year: clear boundaries and creating a nurturing environment for yourself and the planet. Further, on the national stage, your vote matters to eliminate environmental predators.
I am giving a global lunar eclipse program that will invoke and activate the Divine Mother within you on Saturday Jan 11th at 9:00 AM PST, 12:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM in Italy and France, 7:00 PM in South Africa. Hopefully, that clarifies the time for all my clients.
The doors for signing up will close on Friday, Jan 10th at the beginning of the eclipse which is 1:21 PM PST. I will begin building the field on Friday for the Zoom program on Saturday, January 11th.
Reports I received from those who attended the Solar Eclipse Event were mind blowing. Creating a quantum field with a group of people for your intentions can manifest them exponentially. Everyone can join this one from all over the world. I am responding to that request by having it on Saturday day!
Astrology Tips for Your Work Week
Well, for those needing to get back to work the day after New Year’s, make any great after Xmas purchases, or have any procedures done, this is a great week to do it. No Moon Void of Course days until Monday, January 6th but it is a doozy, 14 hours long. From 4:00 AM until 6:11 PM PST, we may be slow getting back into the work mode.
Wednesday, January 8th, I wouldn’t advise any meetings after 2:00 PM PST. The moon is void in Cancer. People might be more moody than usual. The moon rules Cancer, so, the moon being untethered by any other planet can make people rash with their emotions. Note that this day will be the building toward the Lunar eclipse on Friday the 10th – 11th.
In my last newsletter I spoke about Mercury (the planet that rules communication) being out of bounds until Jan 12th, which can make us promise too much or take on too much, but also think big. Mercury back in bounds will also coincide with the Saturn Pluto conjunction at 22 Capricorn 46′ that day and Uranus, the planet of radical change going direct on the lunar eclipse January 11. Uranus also rules earthquakes.
One week before the Solar Eclipse in December, Central and Northern California were hit with 4.1 and 4.3 magnitude earthquakes. The site of L.A.’s last major earthquake, Northridge, experienced a 3.2 two days after the Solar Eclipse this last Dec 28th. Sometimes, larger earthquakes can be preceded by smaller ones as was true in January 1994.
Big change is upon us in 2020!
In my next newsletter I will talk about the line up in Capricorn in January 1994 when that massive temblor hit. Further, I will share fascinating information on what empire came into being, the last time we had Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto loosely conjunct in Capricorn 4000 years ago!
Please join me to amplify your intention as I do an activation into the quantum field with everyone’s intentions on the Zoom call. It will be audio for the participants so no one can see you. drtonigalardi.com/product/lunar-eclipse
So as we move toward the Global Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on January 10-11th that is meant to launch a new paradigm for society, notice what you internalized from your mother or society on self love, and how that has played out in your work life. Often it comes through the reflection of other people. What cosmic dance are you playing with others to help you evolve? I will be activating in all of us, better energetic boundaries while enhancing how to access and activate the Supreme Inner Divine Mother, for a “soul successful” work life.
With great love and affection,
Dr. Toni