November 24th

Mysticism has an important role to play in the workplace if you recognize the power of practicing time for imagination, meditation, and daydreaming.
– Dr. Toni Galardi
The planet Neptune moves forward after 180 days in retrograde on Wednesday. It spends almost half the year in retrograde motion so it is significant when it begins to move forward. I thought I would share some information from archetypal psychology as well as astronomy about Neptune because of how the history of this planet’s discovery so mirrors it’s myth. Further, how to use it when it goes forward the day after the new moon.
- Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. In Greek, Neptune is called Poseidon.
- Neptune has the second largest gravity of any planet in the solar system – second only to Jupiter. It is about 4 times bigger in mass than planet Earth and has 13 moons. In 1845, the English astronomer John Couch Adams completed his calculations as to the position of this unknown planet. Although he submitted his findings to the Royal Society (the leading English scientific organization), his work was met with little interest. However, a year later the French astronomer Jean Joseph Le Verrier made known his calculations that were strikingly similar to those of Adams. As a result of the two men’s independent estimates being so close, the scientific community took notice and began its search for the planet in the region of the sky Adams and Le Verrier had predicted. On September 23, 1846, the German astronomer Johann Gall observed the new planet near to where Adam’s calculations had forecasted and even closer to those of Le Verrier.
Here is a great example of what is called morphic resonance in quantum physics. This theory is that there is this big field of information available to us and sometimes more than one person taps into that field at the same time. Three men all had a notion about this planet’s existence but the first astronomer to assert its existence was ignored until a second scientist presented the same data. At one time ( and is still true) when someone invents something or makes a movie that is similar to the script of another film being made, people shout plagiarism. Now, with our understanding of this big quantum field, the idea of simultaneous creations coming into existence is becoming more complicated.
Neptune in astrology and Jungian archetypal psychology rules imagination, the dreamtime, meditation, mysticism, healing, photography, drugs that induce hallucinogenic states, and the movies. The astrological sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune. The shadow sides of Neptune are deception, illusion, delusion, misdiagnosed illnesses, and addiction. The house it rules in astrology is the 12th house. The system of the body it rules is the immune system. When a person is going through a hard Neptune transit, they often become very tired, spacey, unmotivated, and susceptible to viruses and water based illnesses such as mold toxicity in their home. For one client, a physician who was accustomed to being on the go all the time, all of the above occurred and she had to leave her home. Having the context I gave her to resolving her physical challenges and healing she found helpful.
When a client comes to me in a major transition and they are unmotivated to move forward, I often will find a Neptune transit in play. If one is experiencing this kind of state of ennui, what is being called forth is to rest, to meditate, and to gestate. Allow the new calling to come in its time without being forced through setting goals and strategies for the next year. Neptune is a very feminine planet. Although it was named for a male god, the qualities of Neptune are very yin: Discovering your new life path through accessing the unconscious in the dreamtime or meditation. Neptune also has 13 moons which is a very feminine number as well.
We as a collective have been in a Neptune retrograde for almost 6 months. Whatever musings you have had whirling around in your imagination, it is time to put them into action. Keep a pad of paper next to you during meditation and if you have any aha moments, write them down so you don’t lose it. The same is true for dreams. Keep a pad of paper next to your bed and set an intention on any work project you want an answer to before you go to bed. Many inventors claim to have gotten their ideas in dreams.
We often look to Saturn to give us structure and make us work hard and Jupiter for luck and risk taking but the seed of all great projects comes from the Neptunian reality of imagination. If we don’t give the inner world her due through meditation, contemplation and daydreaming during our waking day, the unconscious which is ruled by Neptune will have its way with you through illness. Neptune will drag you into the dream world through adrenal exhaustion which lowers the immune system and colds, flus, and bigger illnesses can happen. We are meant to spend part of every waking day in stillness. Further, for the beings we are evolving into, this is now an evolutionary mandate.
Astrology Tips For Your Work Week
- One void moon period during the work week but a long one, almost 15 hours. Monday November 25th, 9:30 AM PST – Tuesday November 26 12:11 am in Sagittarius. Monday we are also in what is called the dark of the moon. The power of the moon is in its most waning phase. This is not the day to initiate new projects or agreements, have any procedures or be seduced (so Neptunian) by early Black Friday purchases.
- The new Moon is in Sagittarius on Tuesday at 7:30 AM PST. After the new Moon goes exact at that time, for the next 24 hours is the most powerful time to activate your intentions for the month through ritual. Light a candle and write down your intention for the month. If you know where 4 degrees of Sagittarius is in your chart, focus on that house’s theme for your intentions. This is the last new Moon before the Solar Eclipse on Dec 26th. This new Moon is ruled by the planet Jupiter so call on Jupiter for grace ( sometimes referred to as luck) to help with manifesting your deepest longings and dreams. The planets were named for gods for a reason, cosmically speaking. Carl Jung asserted that each of the planets are here in our galaxy to play out through us.
- Neptune goes direct on Wednesday at almost 16 degrees of Pisces for another 6 months. Use your imagination and dreams to manifest through attraction. What do you want to attract into your life now? How does Neptune want to show himself/herself through you now? I have Neptune moving through the house in my chart that rules publishing and teaching higher consciousness. During the Mercury retrograde, I was called through synchronicities to add more new material to my book and Neptune as it was getting close to going direct, brought me more information in meditation.
- Pay attention to your dreams and synchronicities in your waking life for clues on how to move forward in 2020.
- Sign up for the Solar Eclipse Activation on Dec 26th from 5:00 – 6:00 PM PST. and together we will bring in the real new year 2020! Astrologically speaking, 2020 really begins with this Solar eclipse New Moon.
- Lastly, at this time of giving thanks, I want to thank all of my readers and clients for the opportunity to serve you. I am most deeply grateful! Although we often leave this ritual to Thanksgiving Day, the next three days are opportune for your intentions of appreciation to all who love you!
With great love and affection,
Dr. Toni