October 20th

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.
Jim Morrison
The Most Complex, Passionate, and Transformative Archetype of all the astrological signs (Scorpio) rules some house in everyone’s chart so when ignited, it will change you forever.”
Dr. Toni Galardi
At 10:20 AM, PDT on Wednesday, Oct 23 the Sun goes into the sign of Scorpio, joining Mercury and Venus. Yes, everyone has a place in their life where the archetype of Scorpio lives. Astrology addresses it through the houses it rules in your chart, aspects to Pluto and/or personal planets in the sign if you have them. The duality of Scorpio is that on one hand, it is where we feel passion, but it is also where the heaviest attachments live.
Ask anyone born with their Sun, Moon, Rising sign, or Venus in the sign of Scorpio about addiction and they will roll their eyes. They’ve been to their share of twelve step meetings or therapists! Although Taurus, its opposing sign also suffers from addictions of various sorts, Scorpio, because it rules ego death and transformation will roll their sleeves up and do the shadow work that it can take people with personal planets in (I hate change) Taurus years to get to. Having said that, everyone is getting hit by “Change NOW, Uranus” as it moves through Taurus because just as Scorpio rules a house in your chart, So does Taurus. This can be where you most resist change.
As we move into all this Scorpio, Halloween energy ( no accident it celebrates the Dead!), I would invite you to inquire within and then write me as to what addiction (or if you prefer, attachment), do you still have, that you want to let go of and not drag into 2020?
Although he was a sun sign, freedom loving Sagittarian, Jim Morrison, the lead singer for The Doors in the 1960’s had his Venus in Scorpio (a fascination with sex and death) and his midheaven (vocation of destiny point) also in Scorpio. The song “Break on Through to the Other Side” launched a generation to expand the mind beyond this reality. Well, that requires dying to parts of yourself, so you don’t have to physically die from addiction as he did. Having Scorpio on his vocational destiny point did inform his work life through music to inspire people to face what they fear most. What will it take for you to be fearless in your life? At that time, it was believed by people like Jim and Timothy Leary that it comes through LSD. The expansion of consciousness that came through so many young people taking hallucinogenic drugs 50 years ago created a portal of awakening for the mass consciousness to shift.
Although it, and other hallucinogenic drugs such as psilocybin are now being used in clinical settings to treat mood disorders, we have available to us access to higher states of awareness without these drugs. Yoga Nidra and other forms of meditation have become mainstream and are preparing us as we make this next shift in consciousness.
For the rest of this year and decade, we are all being called to die to what no longer serves us stepping into this new decade in January. Do you have limiting beliefs (which, hello, are addictions) about accessing your soul purpose now, in this life? Are you ready to receive the tools to activate the you that wants to be liberated without physically dying first?
Come join me without leaving your home in Awakening and Actuating Your Next Soul Purpose, a six month course starting on Tuesday January 7th, 2020 at 5:00 PM PDT.
We will meet in Zoom once a month, and you will have a purpose partner assigned to meet with once a week. My intention is to help you access, activate, create a plan, and put into practice your full potential as we launch a new decade, the most important decade of this millennium. Further, your thriving on this planet depends on you stepping into your key light and contributing from a you that has never existed before.
Early bird discount, $100 off before Dec 1.
Come join me and play into this next decade with an activated soul that is on fire with passion and purpose!
In celebration of Autumn, my favorite season and my new website, I am offering my soul blueprint astrology sessions for $300 through October 31, 33% off, to those who are on my newsletter.
Four Astrology Tips for the Week
Following the moon’s phases will help your productivity and success in manifesting your greatest results. It brings a balance to your Yin and Yang and contributes to radiant health. The moon is in its waning phase this week. Complete, not initiate projects if you can.
Monday -the sun is void of its course for 53 hours. Time to complete projects already begun.
Wednesday, October 23 from 2:14 am -12:29 PM, PDT, 3:30 PM EDT the moon will be void in playful Leo. Wait until after lunch to take important meetings, buy anything, or have surgical procedures.Take the morning off and do something fun! When the moon goes into Virgo in the afternoon, then you can step back into your analytical mind, attend to details, and make commitments.
Wednesday, 10:20 AM – the Sun enters Scorpio so we now have Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in the sign of ego death and transformation. What are you passionate about? What needs to die so that can be birthed?
Friday, October 25 – 6:00 AM -1:19 PM PDT – Another void moon day ( most of the day for the East), this time in Virgo until it moves into Libra at 1:20 PM PDT, 4:20 PM EDT. Void moon in Virgo is great for editing. Edit your documents, projects, closet,etc. Just wait until the afternoon when the scales of justice Libra kicks in to take a stand that might be difficult to get out of.
Remember that you were born to realize your destiny at this time!
Register now at drtonigalardi.com/mastery
Dr Toni