Dr. Toni Galardi Soul Purpose Activator and Futurist
About Me
My Story
As the eldest child of four children, no sisters, a worn out mother, and an absentee father, I had to learn leadership my own way with three testosterone driven younger brothers. Initially, I followed my family’s pattern of overworking yourself until you have a physical breakdown, which I did at age 30. An early achiever at 24, by the time I was 30 and recently divorced, I also walked away from a lucrative practice in Orange County, California. This led me on a path to shamanism, quantum healing and astrology. Ultimately, I discovered that the feminine path to living full out was what was natural and authentic for me. Leaning into what I came to call my Wholy Self, I began taking direction rather than giving it. Along the way, I developed other tools in my medicine bag, like understanding the vibrational effects of planets in our galaxy on us both as individuals and as a species. Further, energy and holistic medicine became what was natural for me.
As you can see, I have had the grace of walking an unconventional vocational path with deep roots in traditional academic training, however, I have also been fortunate to have had opportunities to speak in front of large audiences at both conferences and corporations, become a self help author, guest expert on major broadcast tv and radio, host my own television show, and become licensed as a clinical psychotherapist, astrologer, and career coach.
In spite of parlaying two advanced degrees and license into all those vocational hats, what I am most proud of is that I transformed my fear of change and a pattern of waiting to make a change until a crisis hit. I once called myself “the poster child for the change impaired” because I was a bit “slow” when it came to preparing for change. It took three near fatal experiences over the course of twenty years to discover another way to make changes. Further, every time I actually got going and ventured into an unknown professional territory, it was uncomfortable and downright scary. For example, while I was writing my first book The LifeQuakeTM Phenomenon, I was plagued by anxiety around the level of transparency about my own life that my clients and future clients would know about me. And then there was the inner critic I had to deal with who was absolutely sure I didn’t have the chops to be a writer. With the new, updated and expanded edition renamed The LifeQuake Miracle: Awakening to Your True Purpose in Times of Personal and Global Upheaval for a 10 year anniversary release, I have become more committed to contributing my purpose and less focused on others’ approval. You see, these tools do work!
No matter what vocational hat I am wearing now, what connects all the dots in my coloring book is my passion for helping people move through uncertain change into a life that has greater vitality and joy.
If this is the first page you are reading on my website, I welcome you to utilize all the free information from my blogs, newsletters, and videos and hopefully, we will connect one on one through voice contact.
Enjoy your journey and my hope for you is to have the courage to answer the highest call of your soul. The world is waiting for your gifts!
Dr. Toni Galardi has been speaking and coaching for over twenty years on the subject of change mastery to groups as diverse as Xerox, Auto Desk, The American Bus and Tours Convention, and The Moment of Change Conference. Her mission is to assist her clients and students in designing a road map to prepare for their next chapter, stopping the chronic pattern of waiting until a major crisis hits. Recently, Dr Toni’s skills as a Career Coach have earned her a spot on the Coach Foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.”
With humor and grace she refers to herself as “the poster child for the change impaired” because it took three near fatal experiences for her to figure out there was another way to prepare for change. She is the author of the groundbreaking book The LifeQuakeTM Miracle: Awakening to Your True Purpose in Times of Personal and Global Upheaval; a body, mind, and spirit approach rooted in the neuroscience of mastering change. In addition to her speaking engagements, Dr. Toni also has a media presence nationally in both print and broadcast. Her advice column in Counselor Magazine for nine years was called “Ask the LifeQuakeTM Doctor.” That column is now housed on this website. She has also been a frequent guest expert on Fox News, ABC, and Gaia networks on resilience through life transitions and LifeQuakesTM in times of professional and economic crisis.
She has dedicated her life to helping you manage change with greater ease while living a passionate, purpose filled life.
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