change management

Building to the Solar Eclipse That Will Affect the Nation
“I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.”Dr Brene Brown |
Hi, Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I am a Brene Brown devotee. I have never been a guru worshipper but this chick rocks as far as I am concerned. Her message is so aligned with mine. If you don’t have Netflix, order it. There are tons of amazing documentaries on it but the one called “The Call to Courage” is my new favorite. I recommend watching it twice. You will get more the second time and be compelled to write down some of her quotes. I loved that she called it “The Call to Courage”. In my work as a career and life repurposing coach, I have found that before you can look at what is calling you to your next chapter, it is helpful to have a coach who can help you build your “courage muscles”. This doesn’t just apply to vocational decisions either. If you have had a torrential divorce or family challenge, you might want to get back in the ring but the unconscious mind and its beliefs will always win out. The same is true for getting healthy. If you have failed in the past, you have to transmute those memories energetically first, and then take small steps that help you tolerate risk. Sometimes, it involves a big life change, like moving across the country. My own life is case in point. I wanted to move to Asheville 12 years ago but was afraid I would lose my Southern California client base, and I LOVE my clients in Los Angeles, many of whom have come back to work with me many times over my 23 years there. I also wasn’t ready to make a move across country alone after my romantic partnership ended. Moving to Marin County helped me build that “starting over muscle”, along with meeting so many wonderful clients and friends over the 8 years I was there. Yes, the courage to answer a call can come in steps. Do you even know what is calling you now? Sometimes all we are aware of, is that we are bored. And what most people do with boredom is some kind of self medication so they can feel comfortable again. I would invite you this week to notice where your energy goes up or you feel even mild interest and document it at the end of every day. This simple exercise can stimulate your energizing more synchronicities to you, and that can lead to the discovery of your next calling. Answering the call does take courage but the tools I have in my medicine bag allow for greater ease as you discover what you were born to do next. Speaking of which, here is today’s astrology tip for the week: We are now in a new cycle with the new moon having gone into the sign of Taurus. Now that Uranus is in Taurus also for the next 6 years, it truly is a time of assessing what you value. We don’t have any void moon days during the work day this week and we are in a new lunar cycle so this is a good week to launch projects. Keep in mind that Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto are all in retrograde motion so in keeping with the slow, plodding, Taurean way – keep nurturing your new garden and don’t expect quick results. Taurus rules money and our values but with Uranus dancing through it, it demands we live our authentic calling or wake up calls get more and more dramatic. In my workshop in Pacific Palisades, I will be giving more tips on how to be aligned with your calling so you don’t bring in LifeQuakian upheavals to get your attention. It is being held at a private home overlooking the Bel Air Bay Club and will be both fun and intimate. We have changed the date and the schedule. The workshop is now June 30, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, and includes lunch. I will be sharing this next year’s astrological predictions and each person will receive a mini reading on their north and south node, which shows one’s key soul lesson for this lifetime. I will also be giving powerful tips for aging younger, Italian style. The cost is only $125, which includes lunch. Would love to have you come be with me as I will also give everyone a powerful healing invocation in preparation for the Total Solar Eclipse on July 2! About three months before a solar eclipse, we begin to feel its energy. This one is in Cancer (ruling family) so we are dealing with the rights of women over their own bodies and to choose when they want to have their families. The influence of eclipses is about two years in duration. Last summer we also had an eclipse in July but not as close to the United States chart as this one is. Yep, our country is in a time of great acceleration. Just remember, that chaos leads to rebirth. The sign of Cancer rules the mother. How are we mothering ourselves? Are we choosing courage or comfort? More on my LA workshop: Discovering Your True Soul Direction in Accelerated Times June 30 will sell out! It’s going to be like a min-retreat and so much fun! Candace Hirsch, our producer and host will be giving a Yoga Nidra (a guided meditation type yoga) to start the luxurious day. Register here A.S.A.P. : I also will be giving a few (rare) in person coaching sessions while in Los Angeles June 28th and July 1, first come, first serve. And lastly, for those in the Southeast or know people in Atlanta, I am speaking at the Alive Expo in Atlanta’s Cobb Galleria on May 18 at 11:00 AM. I will also be speaking at The Decatur Healing Arts Center on Friday May 17th at 7:30 PM. The title of the presentation is The LifeQuake Resilience Method: How to Age Younger and Discover Your Purpose in These Accelerated Times With great love and affection to you, Dr. Toni |

Over 2500 years ago, (c. 580 – 500 BC) the Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras, believed that the world was built on the power of numbers. According to Pythagoras theory, everything in the universe is composed of mathematical patterns that have an effect on human nature; meaning that all things can be expressed in numbers that correspond to universal vibrations. These vibrations interact with the electromagnetic field of humanity. In this way, Pythagoras believed, numbers are the keys that unlock the secrets of the universe and nature.
I have been studying the influence that numbers have on human beings for twenty- five years. It is one of the reasons I include it in a soul blueprint session with my clients. By calculating a person’s life path number, destiny number, heart’s desire, public persona, and personal year vibration, as well as their astrology chart, I can best observe repeating themes in their soul contract. Further, there are also numbers that affect mass consciousness. As some of you may know, the entire planet has been experiencing the personal year vibration of 11.
11 is a master number, the number of light and light workers. Many people in the “lime – light” who end up as humanitarians are born under this number – Elizabeth Taylor, Jacqueline Kennedy, Anthony Robbins, and both Barack and Michelle Obama.
So today we celebrate the 11/11 vibration with an added power to it, as it is in an 11 year. When we add these numbers up, we get 33, the number of the Christ Consciousness. Developing the Christ’s consciousness comes down to one simple notion: “bring love to it.” Whatever the thought, bring love to it. On this auspicious day of 11/11/11 (2018 – 2 plus 1 plus 8), practice moving your thoughts to love and when you fall back into the ego’s trap of judging, love that, too!
In my book, The LifeQuake Phenomenon, after we have discovered what you are here to do next with your life purpose in stage five, I introduce the concept of sacred geometry for manifesting the new design. I give as a tool to repeat certain master numbers in order to manifest your greatest heart’s desires. One of those is the phrase: “I now vibrate to the frequency of 11/33/44”. This will take you to the Inner Self and so will just repeating, “I am 11/11/11”.
This week we have a lot of planets moving signs or changing direction. Jupiter just went into its home sign of Sagitarrius for the next year. This should be a lucky year for those with personal planets in the sign of Sag. If you are a writer aspiring to get a book published, a teacher, or world traveler, Jupiter going into its home sign can be lucky for you. It also rules the law and law suits. Mercury officially goes retrograde on Friday, Nov 16 although it is already in its shadow (making its mischief with my mail, missing items from UPS like shower curtain hooks, and movers who damaged the property I am renting). On the very same day, Venus goes direct. So, it becomes ok to fall in love again, just don’t sign any contracts until mid December!
If you can hold off doing your Christmas shopping until around the 10thof December, I would pass on Black Friday, that is of course unless you are moving homes and the deals are just too good to pass up! Wink, wink. I moved my primary residence to Asheville, NC and have no furniture yet except a desk and a bed. I will still be traveling back to the West Coast occasionally to see friends and clients but Asheville is my new home and my work will continue as it has been, predominantly SKYPE, ZOOM or by phone.
And speaking of homes, one of the best things we can do for our physical and mental health is to reduce or eliminate our exposure to often hidden toxins in our home environment. It isn’t enough to eat organic food if your home is making you tired or off balance. My dear friend and colleague Beth Greer has an online course that will teach you how. Here’s the link to register. It starts this Tuesday night!
So in summary, lots of shifting energy this week, folks. If you spend some time every day between Nov 11 and Nov 17 focusing on merging whatever your ego identifies your self worth with into BEING divine love, you will have access to great vibrational quickening that not only opens your heart more fully, but allows for greater resilience as we move through this intense shift taking place globally . A portal is definitely opening. I felt it last Wed, Nov 7th while I was teaching a virtual class. My body went through quite a download of new energy that I am excited to share with you both on the one on one through coaching and a new course starting after the next big Solar Eclipse on Jan 6, 2019. As you move through this week, remember that in all quickenings, first there is chaos as the old form dies and then rebirth for all of us.
Enjoy the ride!
With great love and affection,
Dr. Toni

Change Management Using the Planets of Love and Power
Well, how perfect just in time for Halloween that Venus, the goddess of love is calling us inward this October through a retrograde pattern. That sexy wench coupled with Pluto the god of the underworld, sexuality, addiction, and other people’s resources would ordinarily have us do naughty things right now, given that she’s moving through the sign of Scorpio. Moreover, Pluto which rules the sign of Scorpio is going direct on Tuesday, Oct 2, compelling us to take action.
But given that this whole year is about spiritual acceleration and illumination, it makes sense that you are being called to take that juicy energy of Venus and Pluto and discover what you are passionate about now? What do you love now? How do you want to express your love, now?
As a career coach, I look at Venus being retrograde in Scorpio all month as an opportunity to truly reflect on these questions as it applies to your life purpose. We are entering the last quarter of the year. When you look back at 2018 in January, 2019, what would you have liked to have completed or risked to express your authentic purpose?
The other aspect of Venus going retrograde Oct 4th officially ( she has started slowing down for over a week now) is that it is best to hold off starting new relationships until after Nov 15. I would include business partnerships as well. Although I don’t encourage pursuing new relationships, paradoxically, we can attract people from our past. You won’t know how viable it is until after Venus goes direct mid November. Sometimes, we find ourselves saying after the planet goes direct again, “What was i thinking?” or, because we have the god who also rules addiction going forward, perhaps the question is, ” What was I drinking?” when I got involved with that person.
Use this time to get turned on and tuned into yourself! Start noting what gets you excited during the month of October. Take one risk that reflects true self love and in looking back from January, something you will feel proud of yourself for having done.
I’m doing something this month that I have been called to do for 12 years but was too afraid to do alone – I am now moving to Asheville, North Carolina … solo. I know a few people there now but I’ve lived in California my entire post undergraduate life! So this is a big step to move across the country, however, the Divine Mother has made it clear that this is my next assignment. I will continue to come back and forth to California for workshops and to see clients but my work is becoming more and more virtual in order for me to assist people globally as we go through this massive spiritual acceleration.
I want to hear from you. What is calling you? Share with me one big risk you are taking this month in the name of self love and true power. If we take up confronting our deepest fears, own our shadow, and love all of it, he is also the god of wealth ( whatever that means to you).
With great love and affection,
Dr. Toni

Change Management Astrology for This Week
Four Astrological Tips For Managing Change This WeekWhat an in between time this week is! We all should be roaring to go now that Labor Day is behind us and yet … the ambition, drive, and even vision is still blurry…Here’s why:Several planets are moving out of retro. I offer you here some direction on the highest mastery in this transitional time through these four tips:1) The moon is waning, time for completion of projects. Wait until after next Sunday to initiate new ones.2) Although Mars and Mercury are now direct, they are still moving very slowly. Mars ordinarily moves a degree in a day and a half. It will take a week for it to move one degree.Mercury usually moves about 14 degrees in a week and it moved ten this week so it is slowly gaining momentum.3) Saturn, the taskmaster (sometimes inner slave driver in us) which has been retrograde for five months, stations direct on Thursday. Saturn will move a half of one degree by Sep 30. Saturn rules the father, authority figures, responsibility, being an adult, and the career domain. It also rules what we have brought in as karmic restriction from previous lives that has us compelled to work hard at something or where we are inhibited or insecure. For example, people who have Saturn in their money house usually have money because they work very hard at attaining it, but never feel that they have enough. I have seen Saturn in the house of writing and communication in the charts of famous authors who never thought that what they had written was good enough or that they had done enough drafts.Although Saturn will take a little while to gain its oomph, “the planet that rules where we need to be disciplined” will at least no longer be retrograde. What that means is you will feel a little more drive I predict after September 10 when it can get some help from Mars ( the assertive part of us) that will finally leave Capricorn next week and moves into the air sign of Aquarius. Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn for another two years and three months. This is the time to career redirect or refine your life purpose if you are going to thrive in the next economic correction. When Saturn moves into the next sign of Aquarius, the universe and Saturn will not let you lie to yourself about your purpose here without paying a big price so I advise getting started now so you don’t incur a LifeQuake later. Two years goes by fast.4) Use the new moon on Sunday after 11:00 AM PDT to set your intention for the month. With the new moon in Virgo, I would suggest looking at a place in your life that needs more critical analysis. Where can you reassign that noisy nag the egoic mind, (also called your inner critic), a job that doesn’t hurt your self esteem? Clean out a few closets and get ready for a change of seasons or edit something you’ve written to completion and then send it out or begin incorporating more warming foods with the seasonal change.Another way to use the part of you that is both Virgo and Capricorn is to note where you are fearful or inhibited. Everyone has Virgo ruling somewhere in their horoscope. Further, this is the house placement for the new moon this month in your personal chart. It could be in the area of how you parent, how you take care of your home, how you show up as a partner or friend, and how to spiritually parent yourself so that the inner critic doesn’t have to do the job so severely.Verbalizing intentions give them much more power and verbalizing them in a group consciousness even more power. When you go deep into either a guided or individual meditation, access where the energy in your body is blocked, bring light into that area for healing, go to the Higher Self for direction and THEN take action, this is Saturn at its best, the very nature of Spiritual Adulthood. I will sharing tools for this in the program launching Sunday eve.We have a few slots left in our Activating Miracles on the Monthly New Moon Series still open for anyone ready to melt those old Saturn patterns into monthly breakthroughs that will build on one another into the new year of 2019 and our next Solar Eclipse on Jan 6. Contact me to register: 310-890-6832.We will be clearing Saturn blockages in this program through the healings that Daniela and I will be activating in each person during these programs. In esoteric astrology, it has been said that the rings around Saturn reflect the inner barriers we come into this life with, based on past life actions.Traditionally, one had to work hard to clear the karmic debt brought in by Saturn. Case in point, I have a client who is a very big star in the acting world and has the planet of luck, Jupiter in his career house, but he has Saturn in the house of family and he has had to support his family since he was a teenage actor, including both his parents. I have been working with him on his beliefs mentally, emotionally, and physically through reprogramming his ancestral DNA. If you clear the beliefs, you clear the karma. I am very excited to share this spiritual technology with the group that is gathering for the New Moon.I invite you to join us if you feel at all pulled. There will be recordings to replay after for those who can’t make it in real time. Call now – 310-890-6832 to register.So, in summary, formulate new goals after Sunday’s new moon but allow your Higher Self to guide the visioning process in the dream time now. For those registered or drawn to register for this new program on Sunday evening, pay attention to your dreams as we build the energy toward Sunday’s new moon.Beginning five days before each new moon, is a period called the dark of the moon. If you can, refrain from having any surgical procedures during this time or as I mentioned above, launching any new projects.Completion is the operative word, mindful completion. You will feel more energy next week but with 6 planets in earth signs, the call is to move forward with grounded mindfulness and patience with all the people around you who aren’t moving very fast, either.It is all about intention, baby. Set your intention before sleep for the acceleration you want to see happen and then find like minded people to share them with, out loud. Pay attention to how it feels in your body when you declare out loud what you want to achieve this month.I am also offering a career/life purpose coaching package for new clients who prefer personal attention that is 20% off and amounts to 3 sessions at no cost, only until September 30.Happy Virgo New Moon!With great love and affection,Dr. Toni
Change Management in my Third Act Career
Ask the LifeQuake Doctor/Sep-Oct Counselor Magazine
Dear Dr. Toni:
I am not an addict so this may not be your typical letter asking for advice. My wife, however, is a newly licensed psychotherapist who carries this magazine in her office.
To give you a little back story: she went back to school when our kids got into high school and then was an intern for two years and now is a full fledged therapist in her first office. Our kids are away at college. I am a businessman. There is a 10 years age difference between us. Not only is she in private practice, but she also is a political activist for children’s rights.
I have had a very successful career but at age 60 but am wanting to gear down more and possibly retire in two years. We can well afford it. My wife on the other hand, is ready to go big in her career. I have been having disturbing dreams in which I find out she isn’t a therapist but has become a famous actress or is being pursued by men closer to her age or younger. I also have had dreams about being naked in public and feeling uncomfortable.
I trust my wife. She has given me no reason not to trust her but I have become increasingly insecure lately. Sometimes she makes plans that don’t involve me with her girlfriends on the weekend and doesn’t consult me first and it bothers me. She has always been very independent, even as a housewife and mother when our kids were young but I did feel she needed me more then.
I don’t know if I should talk to her about this or work it out myself. I don’t want her to think of me as being unmanly or hung up on aging and I don’t know, quite frankly, what she can do about it anyway.
What do you think, doc? Should I talk to her about this?
Confused in Newport
Dear Reader:
Part of having a truly intimate relationship involves sharing your vulnerability. Your dream about being naked in public and feeling uncomfortable indicates that your persona is changing. You are being called by your soul to be more transparent and it feels scary. I would encourage you to first sit with this vulnerability without trying to change it at all. Breathe into it and allow it to feel safe with you, unjudged. Notice if it shifts. As you become more comfortable with your “emotional nakedness”, bring her into your awareness. Call upon your higher self (the full potential you) and ask this part to speak non-verbally to your wife about your fears. Notice how she responds in your mind’s eye. How does that feel now on a scale of 1-10, 10 being strongest?
If your anxiety has dissipated to a 3 or less, then it is time to share your process with your wife.
When a couple becomes empty nesters, it is time to redefine the contract you have had and update it. As your wife is becoming more visible in the community and thus having greater commitments, there is an opportunity for you to explore personal development of your own. I recommend getting the catalogue for Esalen in Big Sur, California and The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. As you become less of the hunter/provider, workshops could provide opportunities for inner exploration. As you grow, you have something to bring back to your relationship to share that in some ways is a part of her world too since she is professionally going into the world of psycho-spiritual growth.
I would also recommend that you think about a trip that would be an adventure or spiritual quest of some kind that you do solo. All of these experiences not only will evolve you but also provide the material for juicy conversations when you return to one another that maybe your business life did not. Having the economic freedom you now have can allow you to take on your bucket list while still staying connected to your spouse.
Given that she is a therapist and not an actress (lol), she will most likely find your curiosity and enthusiasm for your newly created life very attractive. All people are attracted to people who have lives that turn them on.
There is a great Act 3 waiting for you and opportunity for you both to grow as you shed the roles of Mom and Dad as a predominant theme in relating to one another. In my work as a career coach, I love working with people who are entering what I call Act 3 – the final 1/3 (hopefully) in their lives. Most babyboomers do not want to retire in their 60’s, but like the Millenials want their lives to have meaningful purpose. Keep the dialogue between you open as you both make this transition and I see great things ahead for your marriage and your individual paths.
Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed psychotherapist, author of The LifeQuake Phenomenonand a well known consultant/expert on career repurposing as part of recovery in the addiction field.
If you have a question for The LifeQuake Doctor, you can write to her through: drtoni@drtonigalardi.comor by calling 310-890-6832. She works by phone and SKYPE in private practice. Her website is
Advice on Love Addiction – Counselor Magazine july 2018
Dear Dr. Toni:
I am a recovering love addict and per my program took a year off from dating. I went online with a dating service and have been really shocked at how quickly men expect you to show physical affection toward them. Granted, I am 60 and my generation were much freer about sex in our college and 20’s years but darn, 60 something year old men want to kiss you on the first date and get mad because you want to get to know them and see if they are friend material first. I’ve been doing this for 6 months now and am getting discouraged.
My question is this, am I wrong for wanting to spend 3 months developing a friendship first? Will I never meet some one if I don’t give out within the first month? Should I think about women as an alternative choice?
Exasperated in Minnesota
Dear Reader:
First off, I want to applaud you for going one whole year into sobriety. That is a huge first step for a love addict. Secondly, given that you are now past your first year, perhaps there might be people to meet who also are sober dating. Do you go to meetings for any other twelve – step programs? You might consider going to Alanon meetings if you have co-dependency issues as well. Many love addicts do. There may be people in this culture who will have more respect for you.
You might also consider being bold and putting in your profile on the dating site that you are in recovery and seeking a man who is willing to go slow and develop a friendship first. You might not get as many people interested, but it will weed out the guys who have a different pace than you.
Another possibility is to do some research on non-profit organizations and volunteer your time at charity events that are raising money for a cause you believe in. A man who is humanitarian might be the type to also volunteer. I hope this helps.
Do not give up faith that you will meet a man who is the right match for you. Keep your intention clear and your self value and self respect high, you will magnetize that person.
Dear Dr. Toni:
I think I might be agoraphobic. I do go out but I prefer to stay at home. I live alone and sometimes I get lonely but crowds make me nervous and group functions drain me. I do like one on one interactions in my home with friends but people like to meet you places and do things and I end up getting tired after about two hours and want to go home so I am thought of as a drag. I have a job but I work from home using the internet as part of my work. Is it wrong to prefer to be at home rather than out in this crazy, chaotic world we live in? One of my friends thinks I need meds for my social anxiety. I don’t have panic attacks when I’m out, just feel mildly uncomfortable. I would say what bothers me the most is that I am single and you have to go out to meet people. Do you have any suggestions as to what to do about this?
Home Confinement Addict
Dear Reader
Well, I don’t think you are agoraphobic from what you have described. It doesn’t sound like your anxiety reaches unmanageable levels. What may be going on is that you are an HSP – Highly Sensitive Person. HSP’s are drained by groups and have to clear their energy upon returning home from being with people.
HSP’s are often highly creative and introverted. Georgia O’Keefe the painter was an HSP. Many great artists spent large amounts of time away from the world but used the time to create great works of art. With FaceTime and Skype you can meet people online and screen them before ever meeting them. When you read people’s profiles, pay attention to what they like to do. If they are a very active person physically, delete. If the person appears shy or introverted, talk to them on the phone or above mentioned apps, and see if they too are highly sensitive. There are seminars and conferences designed specifically for HSP’s. Check them out. These may be the friends and lovers who would have the most empathy and compassion for your inclinations. Some people are just home bodies. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are addicted to your home. Empaths just feel more comfortable in environments that are quiet and calm. The key is to tell the truth in your profile if you do decide to do online dating. Being authentic will draw the right people to you.
Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed psychotherapist, author of The LifeQuake Phenomenon and is a well known expert on career repurposing as part of recovery in the addiction field. Dr. Galardi also trains therapists to be coaches in her method of career repurposing coaching.
If you have a question for The LifeQuake Doctor, you can write to her through: drtoni@drtonigalardi.comor by calling 310-890-6832. She works by phone and SKYPE in private practice. Her website is
Solar Eclipse in Leo and A Week of Great Acceleration
The Summer of Great Change – August Eclipse
In all of my 27 years as an astrologer, I can honestly say I have never seen such a line up of intense light pouring onto the planet as the last 6 weeks, and next week it ratchets up even further. The frequency shift is reconstructing us all, if we let it.
The week leading up to the last solar eclipse of the year on August 11 is a doozy! I know I sound repetitive from what we experienced leading up to the lunar eclipse but it is that kind of summer, folks.
Before I get into next week’s “excitement”, I want to invite you to a free event I am co-leading with Daniela Carraro to celebrate the solar eclipse and the ushering in of the next six month cycle. Details are below but please email me at if you want to be a part of this event. Space is limited to 100 people.
Uranus (the great awakener and planet that triggers earthquakes and lightning bolts) will station retrograde on August 7 until January 6th, 2019, the very same day as the next solar eclipse in Capricorn. On Tuesday, this will give us six planets retrograde on the same day that the moon is void (stay grounded), including Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.
Having six planets retrograde is a very rare occurrence, happening only less than 1% of the time, that’s 2/3 of one percent. Mars is not only retrograde but also out-of-bounds for three days (allowing for the energy to be unconstrained by other planets), adding to the intensity of the chaotic collective energy we are all creating. As the god of war, Mars energy stimulates extremism at this time, creating an atmosphere ripe for accidents and outbursts of focused anger.
A shooting in Trader Joe’s, earthquakes, and political volatility escalating, all exemplified this in recent weeks. The dominant planetary energy will be fixed, very Taurus in nature. Taurus’ hate change. Wherever the planet Taurus is or rules in your natal chart may be where you resist change and seek external security the most. These six planets retrograde bring a feeling of being stuck, or mired down as forward progress seems difficult at best, due to unexpected delays and roadblocks. If I were the universe and I wanted humans to take a break from DOING so much and focus on BEING, I would have planned it this way. Spend as much time as you can for the next 10 days, releasing the past and all your old stories about yourself. Emotional and mental detoxing is the doing to be doing.
Further, it is always important to be uber aware when either Mercury or Mars are retrograde, but because we have four days that the moon is void next week (which by itself can make people spacy, feisty, and unaware as they drive the freeways, and apparently… do their food shopping!), please move more slowly, meditate daily if you can, drink lots of water laced with trace minerals, chant Om to yourself all day long and commune with nature. Get your cute little dew beaters (look that one up!) into Mother Earth as much as possible.
What also to do: I would invite you to make a point on Aug 3, 7th, 9th, and 11th( the spaciest days) to visualize extending your auric field out by 3-6 ft in a bubble of light safe and loved by all whom you come into contact with while projecting that to others as well as you move through your life while your root chachra is connected downward toward Gaia.
Although the new moon solar eclipse is on August 11 at 2:57AM PDT, it immediately goes void until 9:30 PM PDT, that night. What we know about the energy of intentions is that because the moon rules our emotional body, we won’t feel the crystallization of the intention until it reaches the sign of Virgo. When the moon is void, there isn’t the fire of connectivity that happens when it aspects another planet.
So, once again, to support all of you, I am co-leading a 90 – minute invocation and workshop on Sunday morning, August 12th with Daniela Carraro, a gifted healer and Qi Gong master teacher. This is my gift to you. Space is limited so sign up and we will send the link for this online event:
I will cover what the energy of this summer is bringing and how to use it in the Fall, the significance of these three eclipses that we wont see again for 2 hundred years, and how to receive the archetypes of Cancer, Leo, and Aquarius through these three eclipses as they are imprinted in your very own matrix. We both will be taking you through very powerful visualizations to bring this new energy deep into your cells. When you sign up, you will have an opportunity to send us your intention for the next six months that will be weaved into our sacred energetic basket that you begin to step into when you sign up.
As this is a solar eclipse in Leo, the archetype that rules play, come play with us in this powerful circle where desires and rewiring can be manifested quickly in the next six months! Contact me asap through for the link. This will fill up.
Molto Amore,
Dr. Toni
What to Do During Saturn Retrograde
A tidbit of Chapter One of LifeQuake
The Heat Wave: Subtle Tremors
We are so accustomed to disguising ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. ~
In the opening chapter the reader is shown how the sociological, psychological, and environmental crises occurring on a grand scale are in fact catalysts, prompting each of us to evolve in our own lives. Our collective chaos is fueling a push toward greater personal adaptation to accelerated change.
The concept of a “LifeQuake” is introduced as the result of resisting change — yet also the emergence of a new self accompanied by inevitable birthing pains. In its first- stage subtleties, a LifeQuake often goes unrecognized. Tell-tale signs include boredom, restlessness, and irritability. What is misunderstood, if not totally overlooked, is that these are symptoms of an old life that’s been outgrown. Not surprisingly, this is when resistance to change is strongest. Without recognition of the process, it may be hard to identify that these symptoms signal the dawn of a more authentic life and higher level
of consciousness.
Through a questionnaire that has been given to thousands of people over the years, this chapter helps readers identify which stage of their LifeQuake is operative. Then it reviews the impact of Stage One on lifestyle, workplace, relationships, and health, while providing tangible strategies for mastering change in each of these areas.
How to start building a new ‘faultless’ foundation when the old one starts to crack open is described, accompanied with an explanation of the building elements for that stage.
In Chapter One, the building elements are Keen Observation and Listening. Each chapter contains a toolbox section with practical exercises to assist in transitioning to the next stage. The tool box exercises in Chapter 1 are:
- LIGHT, CAMERA, ACTION (a visualization to start the day)
- TAKING YOUR EMOTIONAL PULSE (a tool to be used periodically throughout the
- DOTMAKING YOUR DESTINY (throughout the day)
- MIRROR, MIRROR, ON THE WALL (exercise to be practiced at the end of each day).
As with all heroic journeys, there are distinct tasks that help with developing change mastery. At the end of this chapter and those following, these tasks are shown as bulleted checkpoints summarizing the first leg of the LifeQuake journey. These are meant to be guide posts not judgmental criteria for how well you are doing.