Building to the Solar Eclipse That Will Affect the Nation

“I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.”Dr Brene Brown |
Hi, Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I am a Brene Brown devotee. I have never been a guru worshipper but this chick rocks as far as I am concerned. Her message is so aligned with mine. If you don’t have Netflix, order it. There are tons of amazing documentaries on it but the one called “The Call to Courage” is my new favorite. I recommend watching it twice. You will get more the second time and be compelled to write down some of her quotes. I loved that she called it “The Call to Courage”. In my work as a career and life repurposing coach, I have found that before you can look at what is calling you to your next chapter, it is helpful to have a coach who can help you build your “courage muscles”. This doesn’t just apply to vocational decisions either. If you have had a torrential divorce or family challenge, you might want to get back in the ring but the unconscious mind and its beliefs will always win out. The same is true for getting healthy. If you have failed in the past, you have to transmute those memories energetically first, and then take small steps that help you tolerate risk. Sometimes, it involves a big life change, like moving across the country. My own life is case in point. I wanted to move to Asheville 12 years ago but was afraid I would lose my Southern California client base, and I LOVE my clients in Los Angeles, many of whom have come back to work with me many times over my 23 years there. I also wasn’t ready to make a move across country alone after my romantic partnership ended. Moving to Marin County helped me build that “starting over muscle”, along with meeting so many wonderful clients and friends over the 8 years I was there. Yes, the courage to answer a call can come in steps. Do you even know what is calling you now? Sometimes all we are aware of, is that we are bored. And what most people do with boredom is some kind of self medication so they can feel comfortable again. I would invite you this week to notice where your energy goes up or you feel even mild interest and document it at the end of every day. This simple exercise can stimulate your energizing more synchronicities to you, and that can lead to the discovery of your next calling. Answering the call does take courage but the tools I have in my medicine bag allow for greater ease as you discover what you were born to do next. Speaking of which, here is today’s astrology tip for the week: We are now in a new cycle with the new moon having gone into the sign of Taurus. Now that Uranus is in Taurus also for the next 6 years, it truly is a time of assessing what you value. We don’t have any void moon days during the work day this week and we are in a new lunar cycle so this is a good week to launch projects. Keep in mind that Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto are all in retrograde motion so in keeping with the slow, plodding, Taurean way – keep nurturing your new garden and don’t expect quick results. Taurus rules money and our values but with Uranus dancing through it, it demands we live our authentic calling or wake up calls get more and more dramatic. In my workshop in Pacific Palisades, I will be giving more tips on how to be aligned with your calling so you don’t bring in LifeQuakian upheavals to get your attention. It is being held at a private home overlooking the Bel Air Bay Club and will be both fun and intimate. We have changed the date and the schedule. The workshop is now June 30, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, and includes lunch. I will be sharing this next year’s astrological predictions and each person will receive a mini reading on their north and south node, which shows one’s key soul lesson for this lifetime. I will also be giving powerful tips for aging younger, Italian style. The cost is only $125, which includes lunch. Would love to have you come be with me as I will also give everyone a powerful healing invocation in preparation for the Total Solar Eclipse on July 2! About three months before a solar eclipse, we begin to feel its energy. This one is in Cancer (ruling family) so we are dealing with the rights of women over their own bodies and to choose when they want to have their families. The influence of eclipses is about two years in duration. Last summer we also had an eclipse in July but not as close to the United States chart as this one is. Yep, our country is in a time of great acceleration. Just remember, that chaos leads to rebirth. The sign of Cancer rules the mother. How are we mothering ourselves? Are we choosing courage or comfort? More on my LA workshop: Discovering Your True Soul Direction in Accelerated Times June 30 will sell out! It’s going to be like a min-retreat and so much fun! Candace Hirsch, our producer and host will be giving a Yoga Nidra (a guided meditation type yoga) to start the luxurious day. Register here A.S.A.P. : I also will be giving a few (rare) in person coaching sessions while in Los Angeles June 28th and July 1, first come, first serve. And lastly, for those in the Southeast or know people in Atlanta, I am speaking at the Alive Expo in Atlanta’s Cobb Galleria on May 18 at 11:00 AM. I will also be speaking at The Decatur Healing Arts Center on Friday May 17th at 7:30 PM. The title of the presentation is The LifeQuake Resilience Method: How to Age Younger and Discover Your Purpose in These Accelerated Times With great love and affection to you, Dr. Toni |