April 29th

Never before on Planet Earth have we come together as a true family to express the best of humanity, its fundamental need to be altruistic. As we focus on the greater good of the global tribe, chaos transforms into the miraculous.
Dr. Toni Galardi
How are you? When I ask that question, I’m really asking you to ask you, how am I, really? Not your outer life, but you at your core.
Now that Pluto has gone retrograde for over 5 months, we are being called to excavate our shadow selves, the parts of us that we deny or have shame around. Sometimes, what we deny in ourselves is the fertilizer not the s-t we think it is. Pluto, as it is Scorpio ruled, rules addictions too. Ask any recovering addict, he or she will extol their gratitude for the transformation they received; how their addictions took them into surrendering to their higher power for recovery. Pluto is powerful and he moves through the sign of Capricorn ( ruler of society and career) for another 2 years. He as an archetypal energy is dismantling our work life and life as we’ve known it. Further, he hasn’t even gotten to the Pluto return of the U.S. natal chart until next March, but we are feeling it, now that it has come within two degrees, before it began to retro last Saturday.
Now that most of us are sequestered, the next greatest pandemic we are here to deal with is our fear of uncertainty. There is nothing that accelerates evolutionary progress more in us than learning to trust in the unseen forces that can guide us, by sitting with the feelings that being out of control brings. This is the gift of chaos. It is required. Pluto destroys and if we trust the process, reshapes us into something stronger.
These next five months, I invite you to live your life like you are training for a marathon – eat healthy, get 20-40 min of cardio, take a nap in the afternoon or at least get 7-9 hours sleep every night, and spend time in meditation for at least 15 minutes. Even if your mind has trouble focusing on the breath, taking long, deliberate breaths for at least 15 min will do wonders for strengthening your lung capacity, oxygenating your blood, and raising T cells that enhances the immune system.
One month after Pluto goes direct, in November, it will meet Saturn and Jupiter in the same line up we had in January for the first time in history. November has traditionally started flu season but you don’t have to be infected, if you make choices for your health. Choosing to nourish the body with foods rather than comfort the body with food is giving the god Pluto his due. If we go into the underworld and explore the most vulnerable parts of ourselves, we can emerge with the highest gift of Pluto – wealth. In the charts of many wealthy people, you will see an alignment of Pluto and Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck. However, it is possible to make our own luck by the practices above. Alchemy – leaded consciousness into gold is Pluto’s real estate.
When I work with my clients or students on uncovering their new soul driven purpose, I teach them how to quickly dissolve fear and listen for the subtle messages of what is the next step, and only the next step.
As we are moving toward the full moon in Scorpio, I felt drawn to look at the chart of Lady Gaga, otherwise known as Stephani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. Italians love to give their kids lots of names so as not to offend numerous relatives. I have a bunch! Helene Toni Theresa Gagliardi. But I digress, once against this was perfect as we move toward our Pluto ruled full moon next Thursday in Scorpio. Lady Gaga, although a typical trailblazing Aries has a Moon Pluto conjunction in Scorpio in the house of romantic love, which gives one a deep soul that knows the suffering of love attachment.
What struck me about Gaga is that she has walked her own path even as a child in a Catholic school. She tolerated being made fun of for her eccentricity that would prove to be what has made her the reigning Queen of Pop. She is also a major philanthropist, championing LBGTQ rights and most recently her Covid 19 benefit for health care workers, and her own foundation to support mental health in teens.
Although we all are not born Aries, it is a time for courage as it originates in french – of the heart. Follow your heart. Speaking of following my heart, my interview is now on Gaia network through The Healing Matrix . I shared with great vulnerability my path as a healer and the steep price it required of me. The response in just the past three days has been overwhelming. I had no idea that this show was being watched that much. Dr Morter’s interview of me was brilliant. I encourage you to get the Gaia app. There are so many great programs from amazing thought leaders of our time.
I have been asked to teach a course this summer on Discovering Your Next Soul Purpose. I am also giving another moon activation on Thursday, May 7th at 5:00 PM PDT for the full moon in Scorpio. You will have an opportunity to uncover beliefs that are blocking forward movement through the group healing matrix.
Astrology Tips for the Week
Friday, MAY DAY we have a void moon for 13 hours from early morning 9:04 AM PDT until 10:30 PM. If you can, avoid important meetings and rest as much as possible. I would avoid the grocery store as people will be spacier than usual.
Sunday the void moon is back. Great day to rest as much as possible.
Venus is still out of bounds until June 1st and will go retro on May 15 for 40 days. A great time to channel earthy Sun in Taurus desires into your altruistic impulses or learning something that will enliven your purpose here!
This was truly a labor of love. The program in Constant Contact seems to have its own challenges as it has crashed on me a dozen times while writing this!
With love and affection,
Dr Toni