It’s January 4th – have you already broken your New Year’s Resolutions?
Saving money will surely be high on the scale of 2009 New Year’s resolutions, as will the typical plans to quit smoking, eat healthier and start exercising. When we barge into the New Year, with all of its fresh to-do lists and desires to make changes cold turkey, it’s vital to have a plan of action. If you’re having a hard time complying with your own resolutions, I have some advice for you.
It is vital to clearly define your goals in order to see them come to fruition in 2009. I have compiled five tips for sticking to your New Year’s resolutions, which include:
- education
- self-awareness
- setting goals
- taking action
- celebrating success
I will be explaining these steps on KUSI’s “Good Morning San Diego” this morning. Check back later today for video from the segment, which will explain these tips in greater detail.