May 17th

If fat little insects that lumber across the earth can become beautifully colored flying objects, what might be possible for you, to morph into your awakened purpose?
Dr. Toni Galardi
As we approach the new moon in Gemini next weekend, we are in a time of completion. This week is about completing what we have already started. The good news is that we have no void of course action this week so a good week to be industrious. I am going to make this newsletter shorter and cover more in the New Moon Activation next Saturday at 9:00 AM PDT. This program keeps crashing for the last month which I think is a nudge from the universe to start converting to vlog so I will send the link in future newsletters to my video newsletters.
I want to devote some time here to Venus Retrograde and the coming Mercury retrograde. As I have said a few times, my passion is helping you prepare for change, not be at the mercy of it. This is what my new book The LifeQuake Miracle is all about.
When an inner planet like Mercury or Venus are retrograde, they are the closest to the earth in their orbit, therefore exert an even more powerful influence. As we have just begun the Venus Retrograde, I will address Venus in Gemini a bit. Venus in retrograde can bring people from your past (including past lives) back into your life. Depending on what house Venus is moving backward in, will show you what you need to rectify in your relationship patterns. Venus in retrograde also asks of you to look at what you value. Because of its position in Gemini, the sign that rules communication, we will also be confronted with how we communicate with others. It also brings to light in mass communication, ala the media, information that we didn’t have before.
For example, a lot of data has now come out on the danger of wearing facial masks chronically for more than just a few minutes for the individual who is not in surgery or the frontlines. According to physician, Russell Blayblock, M.D. ( and I have read at least 3 physicians saying the same thing) “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses (if you are sick or asymptomatic),will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves, and travel to the brain.” According to 17 of the best studies, there has been no positive correlation to protection. More and more people are realizing that physical distancing is adequate in stores, etc so, it will be interesting as we move toward the new moon in Gemini next Friday evening, Saturday morning, what else will be revealed. I will also be sharing about the most famous Gemini right now, President Trump and his destiny.
Although the Indian teacher, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda has the astrological sun sign of Cancer, her Venus is in Gemini so I thought I would share how Venus in Gemini can look in both low order and highly evolved form. Unevolved Venus in Gemini people can be very monogamy challenged and truth challenged. Gemini rules the twins, so Venus in Gemini can carry on secret relationships and lie to both partners and be so believable, they believe it themselves. I once had a Taurus boyfriend with Venus in Gemini and when it was revealed that he was seeing both me and another woman, he continued to lie in spite of the evidence!
However, when someone comes on to the planet as a very evolved being such as this Indian guru mentioned above, Venus in Gemini in soul entered astrology is exalted. To quote Alan Oken, ” In the life of a fully soul centered being, Venus in this position gives one the understanding of the spiritual purpose behind every relationship.
My take on this is that for a spiritual teacher who has spent thousands of hours in meditation, and has a following of millions, she utilizes the Higher Mind to understand what the true nature of each relationship she engages is best suited for, as well as the ability to serve both God and humans as her partners.As we engage this Venus in Retrograde for the next 35 days, it is a time to reflect on how to use our “Wholy Self” to choose relationships and bring awareness to the words we use to connect with others.
This bears repeating from my last newsletter as we feel the effects of the eclipses months in advance and after:
This summer we have three eclipses! The first eclipse in Gemini and Sagittarius will arrive on June 5th, 2020, a full moon lunar eclipse. Gemini as I mentioned, rules communication and Sagittarius rules publishing and mass media. Sagitarrius also rules the truth as a distinction from the facts. In the next two years, much will come to light as we make this transition. Listen to your heart. Choose courage over false safety that comes from listening to your heart. “Cour ( the heart) age us”.
Free New Moon activation in Gemini on Saturday May 23rd at 9:00 AM PDT.
We will be clearing blocks to power in the solar plexus and setting intentions for the new cycle.
phew! a dozen crashes to get this done. Enjoy!
With love and affection,
Dr. Toni