October 11th

This title came to me 30 years ago: “The LifeQuake Phenomenon – an extraordinary, unprecedented leap in our current evolution… one that catalyzes a critical mass of individuals to learn how to adapt and actually thrive in the face of accelerated change.”
– Dr. Toni Galardi
When the title “The LifeQuake Phenomenon” came to me, I was in a deep transition. I had recently divorced and left the home and community and moved to Los Angeles. Although Los Angeles was a mere one hour away from the life in Orange County I had been living through most of my twenties, it was a complete paradigm shift. Although it didn’t make logical sense to blow through my property settlement on workshops and meditation retreats, what I discovered in the deepest dark night of my soul, devoid of an outer identity, was that meditation was my salvation. It was the only time I was at peace.
Nine months into this solitude, the term The LifeQuake Phenomenon came to me and a download of a roadmap for helping people through this very unique kind of transition. A transition that was more than being in between marriages or careers or even healing from an illness, all of which I was facing. I was discovering as I morphed even physically, that I was part of a sweeping evolutionary change on our planet.
Last year in my newsletters I shared with you that massive change was coming in 2020. On the very day I gave an interview to Dr Sue Morter at Gaia Network Studios on January 28, 2020, the President ( we now know) was given information on the spread of the Novel Corona Virus to U.S. shores. Toward the end of that interview, I mentioned to Dr Morter that the shadow part of The LifeQuake Phenomenon I saw happening was the rise of addictions and viruses. Little did we know, that in March we would begin a massive transition globally that is uniting us as a global family. What I did know was that in that very month, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto were in a line up in Capricorn never before seen that was going to change the world in a sweeping way. At the end of this month, the line up comes back into triple action. Happy Halloween!
And that was just for starters. In my next newsletter, I will talk about a transit coming in December that we haven’t seen in 800 years.
We are being pulled away from our local community identification ( ie. churches, temples, meetups, and anonymous groups) through quarantine and social distancing measures and turning to the internet for connection. I am seeing people who had controlled addictions go on full blown benders and end up in residential treatment the last six months. People are examining what they need to do to strengthen their immune systems through better health, and beginning to question the news sources through their social media feed. They are questioning the messaging they are receiving about the President and the virus itself.
All of the above describes the archetype of Scorpio: addiction, secrecy, microbes and transformation. Remember, this is the sign that rules both the scorpion and the Phoenix bird. Mercury has been in Scorpio the last two weeks and is going retrograde on Wed October 14th until election day, November 3rd.
Why is this significant? The planet of communication wields a mighty power in Scorpio and in retrograde motion it comes the closest to the earth for the rest of the year. It is asking of us to prepare for 2021 by going inward. If you take this time and examine your own addictions ( even if they are more subtle than chemical dependencies), beliefs that separate you from others, your deepest fears, etc., you may emerge in 2021 more soul centered in your consciousness with a clearer sense of your mission. With Mercury not going direct until election day, expect delays, a demand for recount that night, and other dramas leading up to it.
The transits and eclipses coming up in December do not bode well for either the President or his Vice President as they both have their sun sign in Gemini at a degree which will be opposed by the solar eclipse in Sagittarius. More on that in later newsletters.
I urge you to pull in as much as possible and use this time of great chaos to go to the eye of the tornado, into your own center. Start the day with meditation not your phone. At the end of your meditation when you have more alpha waves present to access the intuitive realm, ask of higher wisdom, ” what would you have me know today?” “what would you have me do today?” ” “Is there any health habit I should practice or change in some way?” For example, maybe green juice with protein powder is not what your body needs today for breakfast. If you access your intuitive wisdom, it might tell you to make some quinoa mixed with a carton of bone broth.
Further, with Mars, the god of war in its own sign of fiery Aries also still retrograde until after the election, there might be an amplification of violence so pulling in and practicing equanimity ( calm arising from neither praise nor blame of anyone) will accelerate your spiritual progress in leaps and bounds.
The polarity sign of Aries is peace loving Libra, ruled by Venus. The VP nominee for the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris has both these archetypes as her sun is in Libra and her moon in Aries. Whatever your party affiliation, we all need to embody both these archetypes to know when to be assertive and when to negotiate for compromise.
I am giving a healing activation in the new moon energy of Libra on Saturday, Oct 17th at 9:00 AM PDT, 12:00 PM EDT : Live with Dr. Toni: Healing Activation to Raise Your Heart Potential, Enhance Equanimity, and Reduce Stress: https://drtonigalardi.com/product/new-moon-activation/
There will be two healing activations in a powerful Quantum Love Field I am building now and we all will participate in. If you are already a member of the LifeQuake Miracles Soul Tribe, you need not register. Further, replays will be made available with sign up. For those wanting access to other healing activations, Dr Toni has given, the complete audio course of The LifeQuake Repurposing Method, and weekly astrology tips sign up here to become part of this amazing tribe! https://drtonigalardi.com/lifequake-miracles-tribe/
Astrology Tips For the Month:
Void Moon Days:
Monday October 12th could be quite challenging. We have a 14 hour void moon day in Virgo and the planet Mercury slowing almost to stop. 7:29 AM PDT – 9:56 PM. Avoid any decisions on Monday that you aren’t prepared to reverse in November when it goes direct. Stick to minor details that can be revisited. Be especially alert while driving. Its “Space Cookie Time”!
Wednesday Oct 14th, 3:47 PM – 10:54 PM PDT – void moon in Libra and Mercury stations toward retrograde motion early in the day.
Friday, Oct 16th, 3:11 PM – 10:05 PM 7 hour void moon in Scorpio
My advice is to use Tuesday and Thursday to be most productive.
I also suggest not taking to heart or thinking you are getting the truth, anything that emerges this week. We are being called to become our most resilient and centered selves as we ride the waves of the collective transformation.
Single offer for just the live event: https://drtonigalardi.com/product/new-moon-activation
May this be your mantra: Tutto Bene! ( All is Well)
With much love and affection,
Dr. Toni