September 12th

Fear is the virus we are here to master if we want radiant health. As we partner with our own emotions, we become energetic samurai warriors that can accelerate all of humanity’s evolution.
Dr. Toni Galardi
The planet that rules how we use our physical energy has just gone retrograde. We haven’t experienced Mars in its own sign of Aries ( the god of war) in retrograde motion since 1988. When a planet is in retrograde motion, it is the closest to the earth that it will orbit, therefore, whatever the traits that a planet is meant to stimulate will intensify. What makes this Mars in Aries even more amplified is that it will square one by one the line up of the never before seen this close to one another, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn both in its retrograde motion and after it goes direct, again, one week after the election.
What this may mean is that tempers can flare. For you movie buffs, you will remember that there is a scene in the movie, Network, where the anchor, Howard Beales is being fired so he thinks he has nothing to lose by telling the truth on air about the state of the world ( the 1970’s) with his famous line, “I’ mad as hell and I ‘m not going to take it anymore.”At one point, he rants about how “television is an “illusion that peddles fantasies that can never be realized.” He goes on to say at one point that as the wealthiest nation, our focus on money as god will be our demise.
Fast forward to 2020, people are using the media, social media now in coming forward from positions of power like physicians en masse giving information about how to strengthen the immune system and eliminate bad health habits instead of just taking a vaccine, well known actors confronting social media outlets for censorship, the Black lives matter movement, etc.
This is Mars at its best. Aries, the trailblazing pioneer planet demands change, creating a new frontier for our values. Many astrologers have written about the aggression that Mars can bring about when it squares Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto but I am calling us all out to create inner alchemy through these planets. Lead into gold, sand in the oyster into pearls, etc all happen through friction. It’s what we do with that friction.
The sense of reawakening that can be connected to being in an unknown (as scary as it is) life transition can bring not only positive change but soul rejuvenation, even during what seems to be the most disparaging of situations. I’ve seen in my practice and through interviewing hundreds of people, before writing my book The LifeQuake Miracle: Awakening to Your True Purpose in Times of Personal and Global Upheaval that those who resist change and neglect their spiritual needs find themselves paralyzed with fear and it can have damaging effects on their bodies.
While Mars is in retrograde, there is an amazing opportunity for us all to work on ourselves. We are all in a life transition as a species too. The data from the CDC has clearly stated that people with co-morbidity factors such as being more than 20% overweight and/or having physical challenges resulting from chronically eating unhealthy food, will not benefit from taking the vaccine. I would add, or using substances to mask emotions. Mother Earth’s ruthless compassion is calling us to either evolve or die out.
If we spend the next two months a) working with our emotions and taking ownership of everything that others’ do that triggers us, b) developing some kind of meditation or contemplation practice to slow the mind down, then c) this courageous ( Aries loves courage) inner journey can result in discovering your own new frontier or spiritual calling after November 13. Mars will remain in Aries in direct motion until early January, so although we traditionally think of this as holiday season, this year I would recommend focusing on planning for your highest vocational destiny for 2021.
As part of supporting you through these potentially stressful economic times, I shared my work giving tips for managing anxiety and stress during career transition on the Bad Ass Ways to Relieve Stress Telesummit. However, there are 23 other thought influencers who have offerings for you as well. I created a free ebook called The LifeQuake Preparedness Guide for people who sign up for my newsletter and are on my membership site, so please invite your friends or colleagues.
Not only can this be a time for leaded consciousness to become golden enlightenment, but working with what you fear in yourself and the world will lead to the collective spiritual reconstruction creating all of us as as a species who treats one another across the globe as the true family, the global family.
Astrology Tips For the Month
We are in the waning days of the moon. The new moon arrives at 4:00 AM PDT, Thursday morning September 17th in Virgo, the sign of service and using your hands to create harvest.I am giving people who wish to participate in the new moon healing activation on Thursday who are not in The Soul Purpose Tribe an opportunity to do so as a single trial.
Only sign up here if you are not already enrolled in the membership.
Live with Dr Toni: Healing Activation to Transform Anger, anxiety, and Stress to Courage, Clarity, and Alchemy
Please note that you will not receive the weekly tips nor access to all the other healing activations plus the 6 week audio course of The LifeQuake Repurposing Method that was originally $197 when I did it live. These are part of the benefits of The Soul Purpose membership.
I am giving East coast people a break again this month and putting the void moon dates in EDT.
Please subtract 3 hours if you are in PDT. Two hours for MDT.
September 13th 8:05 am – 11:32 am in Leo
September 15th – 11:09 am – 2:37 pm in Virgo
September 17th 7:42 am – 2:56 pm Libra
September 19th 10:29 am – 2:33 pm Scorpio09/12/20 – 5:41 pm – Jupiter stations Direct
It is Saturday afternoon and finally, after four months retrograde, Jupiter is ready to go direct. He is at His strongest as He is closer to the Earth and may feel as if He is exerting more energy as He appears to change direction.
Jupiter is at 17 Capricorn 24. He has been at 17 Capricorn since August 24 and will not get back to 18 Capricorn until very early October 2. That is 38 days at 17 Capricorn. Those with planets or sensitive points at 17-19 or 25-28 degrees of Capricorn or one of the other cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer or Libra, may be feeling this as increased frustration, pressure, or perhaps a need to start or get back to something that has been lingering too long.
As Jupiter, the planet of expansion starts to move forward and Mars backwards, they will meet in a square around Halloween, which can make for intense energy. Mars/Jupiter squares produce excessiveness: excessive eating, indulging emotions, reckless driving, and in its positive, risk taking if you listen to your higher wisdom for which risks to take.
But this isn’t the only planet Mars will square. In two weeks, it squares “put on the brakes” Saturn. This can create a roller coaster of emotions: desire to push forward and yet some inner or outer restraint happening. The election will be all mixed in here…
If you want to receive vocational and medical astrology tips weekly plus the activation and other tools I will be giving from my book, I invite you to join for $25 a month, or $20 a month if paid annually. It is my deepest desire to support you through this transformative, accelerated time with more ease and inner harmony.
LifeQuake Miracles Tribe
Single offer for just the live event:
Live with Dr Toni: Healing Activation to Transform Anger, anxiety, and Stress to Courage, Clarity, and Alchemy
May this be your mantra: Tutto Bene! ( All is Well)
With much love and affection,
Dr. Toni