September 16th

There are two kinds of karma. What you created before this lifetime and what you keep creating now.
– Dr Toni Galardi
I am so happy that Saturn is finally going direct after four months. The old man Saturn has really been working us! And yes, where Saturn is in your natal chart will show you where your past life karmic debt is. Jupiter shows you your karmic blessings from another lifetime, but that is another story. Saturn creates unconscious blockages in your body, especially if it is in hard aspect in the natal chart. When Saturn is transiting a planet in your chart, it is making a hard aspect, it can create clinical depression. Because Saturn transits last up to 18 months, if you are under a hard transit, the impulse for anyone not knowing their chart might be to go on anti-depressants.
As a clinician, astrology has helped me so-o-o much with my clients to encourage them to explore the gift of Saturn, rather than first using SSRI’s. Saturn’s job is to make us work hard at things but it can really affect neurotransmitters. Saturn, because it rules the career house, also shows us innate and sometimes unexplored talents, so when I do career coaching, I always look at Saturn in the chart.
Further, because Saturn is in its home sign Capricorn which rules society, it has been moving toward an opposition to the United States sun sign in Cancer at 13 degrees for the past few months too; uh, that means all of us Americans are being affected. It will station directly opposite the U.S. Sun this week. These two signs rule the mother and father archetypes. We are being called to reconstruct how we relate to these energies inside and perhaps, if your parents are still alive, a new relationship with them too. A new matrix is being called forth. How are you expressing your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine? I invite you in the next four days before Saturn goes direct on Wednesday, September 18 ( a powerful day by the way, more on that later) to reflect on what you still need to shed of old belief matrices that either are past life in nature or were modeled by your parents.
When Saturn goes direct, It will be easier to move forward with your life purpose aspirations by the end of the month as we move into the season of change, Autumn! For the first time in history, it is possible to transmute karma, whether it be from a past life or last week. I have been seeing miracles showing up in my Feminine Mastery Zoom class so I know it can happen for you. I have tools for locating those karmic imprints in your body and releasing them into a new form.
Saturn will be in Capricorn on election day 2020 but taking its last “conservative daddy” breath before it goes into Aquarius in December 2020. Aquarius rules revolutionary change and out of the box forward thinking. This is very different than Capricorn. The last time Saturn was in Aquarius, Bill Clinton was elected. In fact, the moon was also in Aquarius on that election day, just as it is in the U.S. natal chart. He was our first president who, we publicly knew came from a dysfunctional, alcoholic divorced family, mirroring the masses. He represented the wounded healer archetype as a President. He could feel our pain. And he also reflected the American public through his sex addiction.
I predict that if there is any hanky panky around this next election, we will see a rebellion in the American public big time, before the inaugural. Hope springs eternal…
This week’s career tips:
Monday, September 16 – the moon goes void of its course at 9:00 AM PDT for 18 hours. Work on projects already in place and wait until tomorrow to make any commitments. Last Monday the moon was void all day but I had to keep a doctor’s appt. His staff was all out except the receptionist ( the flu is really going around) so he drew my blood and bruised the heck out of my arm and was yawning from the moment he entered the room at 11:00 AM, an hour late with no other patients but me.
People can be more tired or spacey than usual on void moon days.
Tuesday, September 17th the moon moves into Taurus, an earth sign so a better day to make purchases and take meetings you want to have move forward.
Wednesday, September 18th Saturn Stations Direct
A powerful day for the moon too.
After 16 weeks retrograde, Saturn is finally ready to begin moving forward (direct) again. Saturn stationed retrograde on April 29, 2019 at 20 Capricorn 31. What were you doing around that date? Were you starting something new or trying to finish something you had been working on? How was that working for you while Saturn was retrograde? With Saturn now direct, you should focus on finishing those projects you have been working on during the time of His retrograde.
Following this, the Moon will make a supportive aspect to Saturn, Neptune, Mars and Pluto! Pay attentions to your dreams, instincts and knowing. With waxing aspects predominating, your focus should be on moving any projects forward. Today may also be a day for asking yourself “can you handle the truth?” Is what you are working on really what you should be doing? Or can your energy be better used focusing on something you’ve put “on the back burner?”
Thursday, September 19, the moon goes void again at 6:57 AM PDT but this time for only 7 hours. For those in EDT, it will cover the entire work day until 5:00. Those in PDT, set important meetings for after 2:00 PM when it moves into chatty Gemini.
Friday, September 20, the moon makes great aspects again. Stay focused on finishing projects. In summation, Monday and Thursday are best spent in yin time or busy work.
Discovering your next life purpose is a powerful gestation process that sometimes needs a midwife. I am extending my summer offering of a 12 week coaching package that saves $300 until the official end of Summer, Sept 21st.
In celebration of the career planet going forward, I am also extending a $100 discount on my astrological soul purpose activation readings.
May your purpose be expressed in its highest form this week!