Thriving not Just Surviving the Proverbial Pink Slip
Are you ready for a breath of fresh air?
The sense of reawakening that is often connected to Spring can be experienced as rejuvenating even in these economic times. I’ve seen in my practice and through writing my book that those clients who resist change and neglect their physical and spiritual needs find themselves paralyzed with fear. Increased reliance on addictive behaviors is often used to numb out the overwhelming emotions we begin to feel during times of chaos. And it is this resistance to change that makes the situation more difficult to manage.
Much like our homes and offices, the soul becomes muddled with accumulated garbage. I believe that getting rid of life’s mental clutter is a necessary first step for moving to a healthier spirit and a more complete being. If the economy seems to have knocked your foundation out from beneath you, here are some tips to get you back on your feet again:
* Take an inventory of everything in your life that is “defunctional” or obsolete. Suddenly, many “needs” will become needless wants.
* Create small changes where you can see improvement immediately. Be willing to take on small contract jobs when applicable. Set a goal to send out a minimum of 20 resumes each day or call on old customers and clients just to see how they are doing. Celebrate your small achievements.
* Remove negativity from your life. What thoughts are holding you back from discovering the career of your dreams? Go back to your inventory list and do a ritual of releasing beliefs that are keeping you paralyzed. Get ready to move along!
* Get rid of dead weight. Are there relationships pulling you down? You have to really believe in yourself and surround yourself with others that believe in you as well. Relationships that are not evolving you are devolving you.
* Eliminate habits that are not providing constructive outlooks and outcomes. During times of stress and chaos, we frequently turn to bad habits. Whether yours are compulsive Internet usage, shopping, alcohol or eating, these habits are clearly not going to help you expand or discover your new career! Through meditation or guided visualization you can build the muscle of a calm center that will give you creative ideas that are impossible to access when you’re anxious. (Hint: Click here to receive The LifeQuake Method CD that has seven soothing guided visualizations to assist you in peacefully adapting to life’s daily stressors.)
Are you ready for a breath of fresh air?
The sense of reawakening that is often connected to Spring can be experienced as rejuvenating even in these economic times. I’ve seen in my practice and through writing my book that those clients who resist change and neglect their physical and spiritual needs find themselves paralyzed with fear. Increased reliance on addictive behaviors is often used to numb out the overwhelming emotions we begin to feel during times of chaos. And it is this resistance to change that makes the situation more difficult to manage.
Much like our homes and offices, the soul becomes muddled with accumulated garbage. I believe that getting rid of life’s mental clutter is a necessary first step for moving to a healthier spirit and a more complete being. If the economy seems to have knocked your foundation out from beneath you, here are some tips to get you back on your feet again:
* Take an inventory of everything in your life that is “defunctional” or obsolete. Suddenly, many “needs” will become needless wants.
* Create small changes where you can see improvement immediately. Be willing to take on small contract jobs when applicable. Set a goal to send out a minimum of 20 resumes each day or call on old customers and clients just to see how they are doing. Celebrate your small achievements.
* Remove negativity from your life. What thoughts are holding you back from discovering the career of your dreams? Go back to your inventory list and do a ritual of releasing beliefs that are keeping you paralyzed. Get ready to move along!
* Get rid of dead weight. Are there relationships pulling you down? You have to really believe in yourself and surround yourself with others that believe in you as well. Relationships that are not evolving you are devolving you.
* Eliminate habits that are not providing constructive outlooks and outcomes. During times of stress and chaos, we frequently turn to bad habits. Whether yours are compulsive Internet usage, shopping, alcohol or eating, these habits are clearly not going to help you expand or discover your new career! Through meditation or guided visualization you can build the muscle of a calm center that will give you creative ideas that are impossible to access when you’re anxious. (Hint: Go to the product page and order the CD that has seven soothing guided visualizations to assist you in peacefully adapting to life’s daily stressors.)