Why Tonight’s Pink Full Moon is so important

Why Tonight's Pink Full Moon is so important
Pluto and Persephone are the Roman god and goddess of the underworld. Their sacred marriage gets revealed when we all listen to the feminine through our bodies and then bring the masculine god into action, even when it means speaking up for a truth that takes courage.
Dr. Toni Galardi
Here is a trivia question. What does Peter Buxton, Frank Serpico, and Karen Silkwood all have in common? If you read farther, I will share what made these ordinary people famous heroes.
Two weeks ago I had a dream in which Oprah was telling me that I needed to engage the part of me that is Aquarian and Sagittarian and be a whistleblower. Oprah by the way is an Aquarian with a Sag moon. I on the other hand, have no personal planets in Aquarius. In fact, my Saturn (where you are constricted or underdeveloped) is in Sagittarius and my Chiron, (where your childhood wound is that you are here to heal and help others with) is in Aquarius. I was born under the tender, sensitive sign in triplicate of feminine Cancer. In other words, this does not come easily to my nature. These two archetypes are more underdeveloped parts of me.
I mention this because if I am being called to stand up for my truth, then we all are. I just choose to use vulnerability as my strength. I have admired people who risk their lives selflessly to protect others or bring a truth to the public but I also know they lose their jobs and their lives. I am going to honor at least one brave soul in the past 60 years who has made our lives better for their heroism in each newsletter as we build to the solar eclipse in June.
Peter Buxton, a Caucasian public health service investigator in 1966 sent a letter to the national director of the Division of Venereal Diseases expressing his concerns about the ethics and morality of the extended U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee.[34] The CDC, which by then controlled the study, reaffirmed the need to continue the study until completion; i.e., until all subjects had died and been autopsied. This study went on for 40 years. To bolster its position, the CDC received unequivocal support for the continuation of the study, both from local chapters of the National Medical Association(representing African-American physicians) and the American Medical Association (AMA).[6]
Buxtun finally went to the press in the early 1970s. The story broke first in the Washington Star on July 25, 1972, reported by Jean Heller of the Associated Press.[9] It became front-page news in the New York Times the following day. Google Tuskegee experiment to understand why the uneducated Black poor today might be hesitant to receive a covid shot.
Frank Serpico was a NY city police officer who reported several of his fellow officers for bribery and related charges in front of the Knapp Commission probing police corruption in the NYPD. “Serpico was the first police officer in the history of the NYPD to step forward to report and subsequently testify openly about widespread, systemic corruption payoffs amounting to millions of dollars.[12] The 1973 film Serpico with Al Pacino is an account of his story.” A great film to watch and according to the real Serpico, stayed true to his book. He had to leave the country due to death threats. There are to this day, NY city cops who believed he was a traitor but there was a significant change in “business as usual practices” after his testimony about N.Y.P.D. police culture.
Karen Silkwood ( played by Meryl Streep in the 1983 movie) was the first prominent nuclear power whistleblower who worked as a chemical technician at a Kerr-McGee nuclear plant. She was the last person you would have thought to become an activist. Silkwood became an activist in the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union in order to protest health and safety issues. In 1974, she testified to the United States Atomic Energy Commission about her concerns. The film Silkwood was brilliant. I encourage seeing it if you haven’t.
These people were ordinary citizens who stood up for justice. Under this full moon in Scorpio tonight and for the next five months as Pluto retrogrades. this god is calling us to go deep into ourselves and excavate what we are afraid to speak up against. The full moon in Scorpio is meant to honor the dark goddess Persephone. She accesses intuitive wisdom through listening to our bodies. Pay attention to your dreams for the next two nights. Before sleeping, light a candle to the feminine face of God. ( she came to me as Oprah Winfrey!) What is she calling you to act on?Remember that if we give the underworld god and goddess their due through looking at where we stand in the way of our power, they also bring us wealth. Frank Serpico risked his life but he was also set for life ( he now lives in upstate NY) from his book and the film. But that is not the only way to feel wealthy. Getting to the end of your life and knowing you lived in truth is the greatest expression of prosperity I know. More to the point though is that we are building now to two very powerful eclipses on May 26th and June 10th in Sagittarius and Gemini ( the rulers of truth and lies in media and communication). More is going to be revealed, I predict.
Pay attention daily to looking through social and broadcast media not at. If you lean back into your body wisdom, you will hear what is propaganda and what is the truth. I invite you to be a whistleblower in your community in whatever modest ways you feel pulled to speak up around.
The telesummit It’s Your Time begins in a few days on May 1st.My interview is on May 18h but there are 20 others before me that you can listen to for free.
Register here:
Happy Full Pink Moon! May your heart rock its pinkest tonight!
With so much love and affection,
Dr Toni