December 25

When the moon eclipses the sun, it is a time of rebirth. La luna calls for us to emerge and activate new desires sourced by the heart. What is calling you for 2020 to expand your soul purpose now?
Dr. Toni Galardi
Wow, what an auspicious time!
With nine planets in Capricorn beginning tonight and a line up of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto close to one anther in January, we are rebirthing as individuals, as a society and as a humanity! To reiterate from past newsletters, Capricorn rules the patriarchy, fatherhood, society’s mores and the career domain. All being transformed.
Solar Eclipses often kick off a shift but this one is bringing in a transformational new decade with that line up. We begin to feel the energy of a solar eclipse one year before and one year after. How was 2019 for you? Any big endings or beginnings? 2020 will definitely bring more massive changes. If you went through deconstruction in ’19, perhaps 2020 is your year of reconstruction. Last week I was interviewed on Joni Caldwell Lerner’s podcast Spiritual Aliveness for my take on 2020. You can get the interview by going to my website. More on that later.
“The sign of the solar eclipse shows a ‘universal’ destiny,” Karen McCoy, karmic astrologer and author of Spiritual Astrology said on Inner Self. “It is the energy of the collective unconscious that needs to be actively expressed on the Earth at that given point in time for its own balance. The souls that are born into each solar eclipse have been ‘dusted’ with that energy and have promised to spread that energy on the Earth to help with the growth and evolution of the planet.”
Two examples of this are the great prophet Mohammed and Prince William of England. Archetypally, a hero or heroine’s journey often begins with the death of a parent in childhood. The astrologer that Princess Diana consulted told her that Prince Charles would never be king but that her son would have an enormous impact as king. This royal has publicly spoken out about how his mother’s death affected him psychologically and is advancing causes dealing with PTSD and mental health issues. President Trump was born under a lunar eclipse (endings) and I will talk more about that in two weeks when we move into that energy. Everyone is playing their role in this theatre piece, remember.
In my last newsletter I spoke about Mercury (the planet that rules communication) being out of bounds until Jan 12th, which can make us promise too much or take on too much, but also think big. Mercury back in bounds will also coincide with the Saturn Pluto conjunction at 22 Capricorn 46′ that day. At that time Mercury will be less than a half degree from the conjunction. Pretty tight conjunction I would say… New forms of communication coming this decade, perhaps?We have another interesting Mercury aspect this week. Mercury is also void of its course starting on Xmas Day for almost four days. As it also coincides with the Solar Eclipse, I would highly recommend not making any commitments to anyone but yourself until after New Year’s. We are birthing a new world and a new self individually. Mercury rules the brain in medical astrology. How are you choosing your thoughts for 2020?
I know this is a busy time with the holidays but I urge you to take time out on Dec 26th during the strongest part of the solar eclipse energy until midnight to set an intention for yourself in this next decade and the world at large, and/or join me to amplify your intention as I do an activation into the quantum field with everyone’s intentions on the Zoom call. It will be audio so no one can see you.
So as we move toward the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on Dec 26th that is meant to launch a new paradigm for society, notice what wants to be released. Often it comes through the reflection of other people.
So, in my last newsletter, I shared the qualities of Capricorn as it applies to setting better energetic boundaries. I suggested surrounding yourself with a pink bubble of light if you are feeling overwhelmed by other’s energies. There is also a flower essence for helping with better energetic boundaries. According to Dr. Kyra Messich, Yarrow is the remedy of the wounded warrior, but these days it’s the remedy for healing the “wounded healer”. Aren’t we all?
If you are an empath or an introvert or deal with co-dependency addictions, this flower essence can be helpful as we go through this “breaking down all the boundaries Capricorn time”.
Remember, chaos is necessary for rebirth. I was interviewed on a podcast for Spiritual Aliveness with Joni and talk at length about this in its most positive manifestation. The link for the show will be on my website at under Radio Interviews as well as for the Global Solar Eclipse Activation tomorrow at 5:00 PM PSTJoin me and amplify your intentions for 2020 under the solar eclipse energy, please go to sign up at:
Astrology Tips For Your Work Week
A Mercury retro kind of week. The best use of it is inner reflection. Sounds crazy for this time of year, right?
And yes, 2020 really does begins with this Solar Eclipse New Moon, so start the new year with a powerful group of people supporting your intentions for the next year and decade! together we will bring in the highest manifestation for the real new year 2020 on dec 26th!
With great love and affection,
Dr. Toni