February 23rd

A matrix in and of itself is not a bad thing. The key to determining what kind of matrix you are connected to comes from your witness self. And the strength of that aptitude is accessed most easily through meditation.
Dr. Toni Galardi
The danger of breaking with the culture’s matrix and relying solely on the Divine Matrix (sometimes referred to as the 8th dimension of reality) for truth is that you begin to see the little man behind the curtain in so many places. We are in very interesting times… Not everyone is going to make it. In the past few days since Mercury officially began to plummet the depths of the collective unconscious, two people I knew peripherally committed suicide. People take that route when they feel isolated or misunderstood coupled with imbalanced neurotransmitters.
Being connected to people who value your independent thinking makes such a difference in these times when there is such a ferocious divide in America. The movie The Matrix has been on my mind lately so I decided to check out Keanu Reeves’ chart. Oh, my goodness. He was born to play this role of Neo – Sun conjunct Uranus ( the rebel), Pluto ( destroyer of false ego) and Mercury ( communication) on his ascendant ( all in Virgo, the sign of service). Pisces, ruler of dreams is on his partnership cusp.
“Morpheus: [to Neo] Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?”
Many years ago I knew a child who was so advanced that at 3 he said to me, “this world out here is the real dream.”
Another quote I love from the Matrix:
“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
May 2021, the fourth Matrix film will be released. Clearly, people are waking up or there would have been no sequel at all.
Geologist Gregg Braden and Elon Musk ( Tesla’s mogul) both have agreed that we are living in a simulated reality right now. I believe that the key to unhooking from this made up illusion can only come from connecting to a parallel universe where quantum reality is not fixed, as time is not linear. It is essential that we lean back from this simulated reality into what Gregg Braden named The Divine Matrix.
Although it has always been important to me when I am coaching a client to track their dreamtime so I can see what is going on unconsciously, now more than ever, it can tell me just how enmeshed one is in the simulated matrix so I can assist my clients in accessing a higher frequency. The “red pill” from the movie is your connection to your soul, where your beautiful red heart leads the brain.
I invite you at the end of every day to do an energetic shower and cleanse other people, the media, social and otherwise and other influences as well from your field. Further, note what emotions were present through out the day by scanning the day and then consciously, release them from your energy field. Prepare yourself for the dreamtime by focusing as you drift off to sleep all that you are grateful for and immerse your mind in golden light. Record your dreams as you awaken, including the emotional tone.
It is said that the matrix controls people through fear. Pay attention to where you compare your self to others. Allow yourself to focus on where your energy goes up. What turns your soul on? When we are in touch with our soul place, there can be no space to be manipulated.
At the height of the Holocaust, Victor Frankl’s greatest message to those in the camps and later in his book Man’s Search For Meaning was that they can take everything away from you, but they can’t take your soul. Not if you don’t let them. If we stay in faith, imagination, creativity, service to the whole, and join with others, we will solve the climate crisis, no matter who is in office.
Ram Dass’ last message was: Love others and tell the truth no matter what.
Astrology Tips for Your Work Week
- NEW MOON at 7:21 AM PSTIf you are reading this before 11:00 AM on Monday, Feb. 24th, this is the time to set your intention under the new moon in Pisces. Take a moment and light a candle and turn within.
- Mars Out of Bounds until March 2nd – When Mars goes out-of-bounds, He can provide greater energy to get things done; but, He may also “throw caution to the wind.” Avoid impulsive actions. During this time, one may be more prone to accidents and injuries. Mars out-of-bounds may trigger more “fiery” events in your life or the world. Know your limits.
- We have only a short period of one void moon work day, Tuesday morning until about 11:00 AM PST, 2:00 PM EST
- If you must make a decision on something before March 10 when mercury stations direct, this next week is the best time. I just invite you to take it into counsel first as Mars can have us act impulsively, as so the people around us. Mars rules vehicles we are moving through life in, as well
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For the next three weeks, I am keeping my soul blueprint consults at the same price, but after 11 years of keeping my fee at $397, given the amount of analysis in advance, I am raising my price to $450 and my coaching sessions are going up $25 per session for new clients. My book is launching this summer, so my time is more limited and yet I still love the one on one and will still offer a 20 min free consult to explore if I am the right fit for you in the coaching domain.
Please contact me at the email address below. I love to hear from you.
With the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces which rules compassion, wisdom, and imagination, be kind to yourself and others, listen to your gut no matter what the cost, and stay open to new ways you can contribute to humanity’s evolution.
With great love and affection,
Dr. Toni