October 27th

Why do we fear change? Because change means loss of identity. We have to die to a part of ourselves, and celebrating death is the last taboo of Western Civilization.
– Dr. Toni Galardi
The Most Powerful Mercury Retrograde of the Decade( What Miley Cyrus, John Lennon and Mahatma Gandhi have in common)
This is one very powerful week if you use your intuition to guide you. Logic will not serve so well.
I cannot stress enough the importance of taking time during this Mercury retro to reflect. The planet has already begun slowing down to only 25 % of its normal speed and will officially stop moving forward on Oct 31st. The planet that rules the mind and language Mercury wants us to redo during a retrograde. RE everything: like re-visit something, renovate, recreate something already done. As it is in Scorpio, old lovers may come back. I discovered today that I need to cut 950 words from my book, before I turn it in to my publisher. What discoveries of do over might you have to engage this next 4 weeks?
Further, during this retrograde, its normal two – week journey through each sign will last until December in the sign of Scorpio. You are being called to penetrate deeply and shed what is no longer authentic to the who of you that wants to emerge in the next decade. The symbol for Scorpio in ancient Egypt was the snake not the scorpion. Although there are people with personal planets in Scorpio who express the “ I will seduce you and then annihilate you, energy”, most are driven to experience death and transformation, like the snake shedding its skin.
What is one habit or personality trait you are ready to shed? I’ve decided to give a solar eclipse invocation on Dec 26th as it is the real beginning of the new year and new decade. On that day, you will have an opportunity through Zoom to put forth your intention for 2020. Sign up now. I want to give everyone an opportunity to voice their intention while keeping to a 30 min time frame so space is actually limited. https://drtonigalardi.com/product/solar-eclipse-event/
I thought I would share a little about how we can express the energy of Mercury in Scorpio in these next 6 weeks by looking at the charts of both John Lennon and Gandhi. Both had their sun signs in Libra, the sun sign we are just leaving. The archetype of Libra seeks peace and harmony but Mercury in Scorpio demands us to penetrate the falseness of society and expose its shadow. Both men had this juxtaposition and used their professional talents to simultaneously invoke chaos while at the same time, the end goal being peace and liberation.
As I have mentioned before, Scorpio rules death. Both were assassinated. They were willing to go to their death. as both had had many death threats previous to their demise. I’m not suggesting that everyone has the courage to face death for their beliefs in a better world, but I am encouraging you to penetrate deep into your own shadow for where you are afraid to speak out or just feel uncomfortable with change. Is there a change needing to come through you that you fear will threaten you economically or trigger the loss of someone you care about?
One of the aspects of Mercury in Scorpio is being an unrelenting investigator and researcher. Kim Kardashian (Mercury in Scorpio) has claimed that she would stop at nothing to expose someone cheating on a friend of hers. The lesson to extract here in a more enlightened sense is to observe who triggers you in your life and then penetrate into your own subconscious mind, “Where does that tendency in them, live in me?”
I invite you to also observe, “where is my inner Gandhi or Lennon?” “Where can I be a greater advocate for the world?” “How can I be persuasive for the good of everyone?”
The energy of Scorpio rules acquiring other people’s resources. Scorpios are good at this. Asking for personal help or getting people behind a cause, they are great at! I will share here a part of my shadow that is also my lesson and hopefully you will write me with yours.
I have my north node in Scorpio so it is a lesson for me. Those who know me ( or have been reading this newsletter for awhile) know that I experience great discomfort when I ask for a favor unless I have an intimate relationship with that person. I die a thousand deaths around marketing.
When I put up my new website, even though most people in my field put up testimonials in their newsletters and their websites without giving it a second thought, it was extremely uncomfortable for me to do so. My stomach was in knots when it went live. The only way I got around my anxiety was to think about how I want to serve humanity with my work. I have a unique combination of skills and no one will know if I don’t share the results and experiences of clients I’ve worked with, but part of my shadow is that I was raised to not toot your own horn.
The triple New York Times best selling author, Marci Shimoff wrote the foreward to my 10 year anniversary update of The LifeQuake Phenomenon coming out in April and although I know Marci, I had to get past my clenched stomach to ask her, as I know how busy she is.
Thankfully, she believes in this book and was most gracious in saying yes and wrote a beautiful foreward.
So, there is my transparency. What desire (so Scorpio) is pulling you to get out of your comfort zone? I invite you to write me with something you have been afraid to speak about that is possibly part of your soul purpose.
Come join me on the solar eclipse Dec 26th and let the world know what you care about and want to actuate it in 2020. And even if you don’t know what that is yet, invoke an intention merely for something you care about crystalizing on our dear Mother planet in the next decade.
Astrology Tips for This Week
Sunday, Oct 27th is a big day: In India, they celebrate Diwali – the festival of light over darkness and spend the day cleaning and preparing the home for the evening ritual. The moon is void from 1:21 AM -1:29 PM. PDT Have a lazy sensual morning or spend time within, now that we have so much transformational Scorpio energy present or… clean house and get ready for the new moon tonight!
8:38 PM PDT – the sun and moon converge and a new cycle begins this month. NEW MOON IN SCORPIOThe Sun and the Moon and Mercury and Venus will all be in passionate, transformational Scorpio. Sunday evening or Monday morning, set your intention for this month in this new cycle. The symbol from Elias Lonsdale’s “Inside Degrees” is “An Egyptian queen with a braided beard.” The braided beard was a symbol of the male pharaohs and so when a female became pharaoh, she would don a fake beard.
Irrespective of gender, what feminine part of yourself can you enhance to support your real power?
Monday, October 28 – Pay attention to where and when your energy goes up, during your work – day. This is a great day to be productive and back up your computer.
Tuesday, October 29– 10:35 AM – 3:00 PM PDT Void moon in Scorpio. Watch your temper. If you live on the East coast, work in the morning and take the afternoon off. Keep in mind that Mercury is in slow motion preparing to go retrograde.
Oct 31st –- 7:29 AM -7:38 PM the moon is void in Sagittarius. Do not sign anything that you cannot change.
Halloween is a doozy this year. We have the moon void of its course for 12 hours and Mercury officially beginning its retro. Be ultra aware as you move through the day and try not to take any meetings you want results from…
If you don’t have kiddos to take trick or treating, honor this one night of the year when the veil between worlds is thinnest through candle light. You can ask for a dream to contact a departed family member… ahem, that you want to talk to!
November 1st. – Although it’s Friday, if you’re not hung over from Halloween celebrations, seize the day! The moon is in hard working Capricorn, ruler of the father and your career choices and if you’re Catholic, All Saints Day.
We are now building and under the influence of the solar eclipse new moon in Capricorn coming December 26th. Come join the after xmas celebration to bring in the new decade! https://drtonigalardi.com/product/solar-eclipse-event/
Happy Day of the Dead!