February 2nd
We are all gods, and therefore given the right set of circumstances, can fall from the pantheon into our humanity.
Dr. Toni Galardi
In ancient times, the gods and goddesses were endowed with human shadow qualities besides having their superhuman traits, depending on what they were ruling. The goddess Aphrodite ( and her Roman counterpart Venus) is the goddess of love but she could also be a rather jealous minx as was Juno, the goddess of marriage. Zeus, ( aka Jupiter) was the king of the gods but he could be quite the bad boy.
In today’s world, the gods and goddesses we tend to worship are celebrities and celebrity athletes. Sometimes, we imbue them with such god like qualities that we forget they are human and capable of making human errors. They can forget they are human too because people will cater to their every desire. One of my favorite stories from Greek mythology is the story of Daedelus and Icarus. Daedelus created wings for Icarus to fly and escape from King Minos. Daedelus warned Icarus not to fly to close to the sun. Icarus ignored the warning, and as you know, the wings melted and he fell to earth.
This story is a rich Jungian and astrological metaphor. The sun in astrology is our ego personality self and rules the sign of Leo. When our personality self does not lean back and listen to the wise counsel of the higher self, disaster can occur.
Many astrologers have written on the shadow side of Kobe Bryant (his sex addiction) but I’m not going to address that today. Inside every tragedy that involves one of our gods or goddesses is a lesson or cautionary tale for us all to learn from, just as mythology was in ancient times.
The facts as we know them follows and then I will share the astrological transits that were in place that day:
According to the NY Times:The crash highlights two of the biggest issue causes of chopper accidents: low-altitude operations and pilot disorientation about nearby structures or terrain in low visibility.”
- The Sikorsky S-76B helicopter carrying Kobe Bryant, Gianna and the seven others did not possess a recommended safety device, according to AP.
- There was no black box in the helicopter. Having one was not a requirement.
- The helicopter carrying Bryant and eight others had been given special permission to fly despite foggy conditions, according to a report from the New York Times. Due to the inclement weather, the chopper was flying quite low, according to CNN, who reported, “At one point, an air traffic controller informed the pilot, “You’re still too low for flight following at this time,” meaning the chopper wasn’t flying high enough to register on radar.
- On the morning of the crash, the moon was void of its course which can impair judgement when either driving or flying. If I have to fly under a void moon, I surround the entire plane with light before take off. One time I was flying back from California and the moon was void at the layover in Charlotte. The entire crew showed up late for the flight!
- A transit was present in Kobe’s chart that would have tempted him to overextend his energy or overestimate on a decision, Jupiter squaring this Mars.
- The lightning bolt planet Uranus was hitting the foundation point in the chart ( also considered the house of endings in astrology). It usually portends a sudden move from one’s current home.
- Saturn placed in the natal chart in the house of death can portend a painful death and/or debts incurred from others, like lawsuits.
Something that stood out for me about his natal chart that may have come into play that morning is that Kobe was a person who liked to be in service ( sun saturn conjunction in Virgo) and make the people in his life happy, Mars and Venus conjunct in Libra the pleaser. If the pilot reported that conditions were foggy, the transits in place for Kobe might have inspired him to not want to disappoint his daughter and his friends who had all been invited to fly on the plane with him. When Jupiter transits in hard aspects, it makes us act impulsively and we play out the hubris of Jupiter, thinking we are God instead of a god, with our yet so fragile wax wings.
The lesson that can be extracted from this horrible tragedy is that when you are responsible for leading a group of people no matter how much money or effort has gone into the plan, if you are given information that weather conditions for example are not good, do not be tempted to use your influence to pull strings and bend the will of the gods. I do not know if he asked the pilot to use his influence “to get special permission” as the NY Times reported. I can only guess based on his transits.
Last week I was a guest on The Healing Matrix with Dr Sue Morter in Boulder on the Gaia network and while I was there on the set, the associate producer and I were trading stories on our 9/11 premonitions and she shared with me an interesting statistic: that on average in every major airline accident, 20% of the people scheduled to fly, cancel at the last minute. There were many stories reported after 9/11 of people not getting on United 93 because something didn’t feel right. I knew my flight was safe because the planes were booked solid coming and going!
Shortly after returning from my trip to do the show, I was scheduled for an appointment on a void moon day and the roads were a bit slick due to snow flurries. I also was very tired and feeling off but torn about cancelling at the last minute for this meeting and disappointing this person. When I checked in with my gut, I got a no. Do not get in your car. If you find yourself in doubt about a decision pending, no matter how many people it might mean disappointing, listen to your inner Sophia, the goddess of wisdom. She never fails to deliver.
If accessing your intuition is still challenging for you, come work with me one on one and we will unleash your fullest potential self through utilizing simple yet effective tools. Because I only keep a part time coaching practice, I am very discerning on who I work best with with and therefore, give a 30 min complimentary call to see if we are the right fit for one another. I want to make sure you get to the right person as well.
Astrology Tips for Your Work Week
- We are still in the new moon energy until February 7th when the full moon begins the waning phase for the following two weeks. There are also no retrograde planets until Mercury around that same time starts moving backward, so this is a great time to launch new projects. however…
- Mercury has entered its shadow today. The shadow zone is defined by the span between where a planet goes retrograde, and where it goes direct after the retrograde period. In this case, Mercury goes retrograde at 13 Pisces on February 16. It will retrograde back to 29 Aquarius, where it goes stationary direct on March 9.That puts the shadow zone between 29 Aquarius and 13 Pisces, and around 10 pm PST February 1st, it crossed into the degree where it’ll go direct in mid-March. If you dont launch a project this week, prepare for delays until mid March.
- On Wednesday February 5th, the moon will be void from 6:20 AM PST – 11:20 AM. If you live in the east, schedule important meetings in the afternoon after 2:20 PM EST
- Start your weekend on Friday, February 7th as the moon will be void from 7:43 AM – 2:45 PM PST and if you can’t take the weekend off, stick to fun things. The moon is void in Leo and full. Dance, create, play!
With great love and affection,
Dr. Toni